About the Author

The author is a white Anti-Racist, Social Justice Advocate. She seeks knowledge and truths surrounding the interconnections of the historical and contemporary issues of racism across the globe.

With knowledge and truth comes responsibility. As a woman who is part of the dominate white culture and a citizen of the world, there is a responsibility to share information that will

lead to a more culturally humble society.

The author at times reacts in an emotionally charged manner but does so with a

good heart and from a good place.

The author is of the belief that there is only one race label and that is the Human Race.

March 17th, 2015


It has been almost two years ago, when hundreds of pages of racist  text  messages between Coatesville's superintendent and the athletic director came to light ultimately  forcing them to resign WITH THEIR PENSIONS!!The Racist x-superintendent who traded his white sheet and hood for a business suit, will now go to trial for the money that he stole from the children and families of the Coatesville School District. He faces dozens of felony counts of theft, conflict of interest, ethics code violations, and other related offenses. 

While I think the "White Collar" crme he committed needs to be criminally prosecuted, let us NOT forget what led to this investigation. The criminal prosecution of these crimes by no means erases the pain he has caused by his racist text messages which described innocent children in vile hateful ways!! I'll carry another sign anytime anywhere to get rid of the filth....and so should YOU!

I find it despicable that this racist tyrant, isn't being prosecuted for hate crimes. Okkk his racist text messages using tax payers phone equipment, does not rise to the level which defines "hate crimes" under the law. The law  in short, states that the use of any weapon in an "....attempt to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person is termed a hate crime". 

Well the hate crimes of this generation have been redesigned to be covertly done as I illustrated in past posts. Everyone should sit and reflect on the state of affairs that this country is currently operating on. To my mind, we as a nation need to start developing new strategies in which to combat, yes combat this blatant disregard for our communities, children and families!

White people wake up!

Get a F'in clue folks!!! 

Secondly, if OUR people in OUR country are divided, the security of our land is placed in a vulnerable position for outsiders to  reek havoc. 

Just sayin'!!