About the Author

The author is a white Anti-Racist, Social Justice Advocate. She seeks knowledge and truths surrounding the interconnections of the historical and contemporary issues of racism across the globe.

With knowledge and truth comes responsibility. As a woman who is part of the dominate white culture and a citizen of the world, there is a responsibility to share information that will

lead to a more culturally humble society.

The author at times reacts in an emotionally charged manner but does so with a

good heart and from a good place.

The author is of the belief that there is only one race label and that is the Human Race.

Page 2 - Poems

The Back Room Deal
By Anna C.
March 2004

The might of a bomb burst mid air,
news image desensitizing,
one Nation scared.

Founding Father defend home of the brave,
Sands of time running out,
Constitutional ideals swept away.

Courageous defenders path of destruction,
crude oil transfused, injected by greed,
price of our blood worth dollar for dollar,
resolution of war the mask of seduction,
democracy governed, all is deceived.

Families anguish for those they have born,
attempting to remain patriotic.
“I mourn with the families”
the insult surreal,
diagnosed borderline psychotic,
another backroom deal.

Broken and battered promises worn,
return to the homeland, shattered illusions.
Threads of our banner tattered and frayed,
Freedom of speech, press, assemble,
Lay in constant state of decay.

Beyond the Obvious

By Anna C. January 2014

Like Sapphires, Diamonds and Rubies
Exceptional, Illustrious and Unique
The Spirit of this Women Full of Life,
Kind, Loving and Sweet.

Courageous and Bold,
Not Afraid to Give My Heart and Soul
Very Different From the Others,
in Oh So Many Ways,

Without Further Ado,
I'm Strong and Proud,
Not Afraid to Love or Laugh out Loud,
“Beautiful, Amazing and Funny too”!

Multi-Color Diamonds
August 2013 in Celebration of the Anniversary
By: Anna C.

To: Stephanie, Shadell, Aida, Mr. Carl, Ros, Diane, Kalisha, Ina and my friends Ava, Montee’ and Shero, Rosa 

 I cannot tell you how much I have learned from all of you but more valuable than knowledge is the personal insight, love and protection that  you have provided. When life gets tough, you have given me a soft place to fall.  As a group we  get angry, debate, cry (not you Mr. Carl:), and laugh while we attempt to make a difference!  All of you are the ones who are so amazing and I feel so honored & blessed to know you!  
You are my heart! 

Multi-Color Diamonds
August 2013 in Celebration of the Anniversary
By: Anna C.

For me your life has been an inspiration,
insight is mine because of you.
As a mountain shows our destination,
never, in its grandeur, lost from view.

Know that you have been my moral guide,
you have shaped the one I am inside.
Opening my eyes with your warmth,
lies beneath all I say and do.

To all I share, a very heartfelt…
Thank you!

            The Edge             
By Anna C.
March 2006 

Darkness in one’s mind
forever about
Circle of completeness
never doubt

Shuffle through the clouds
Father time repent
one moment defined

All God sent

The Scope
By: Anna C.
January 20, 2010

People all around me
pulling, stretching, pounding,
never ending questions.

Always needing, always wanting
never ending expectations.

Pressure building, building, building,
never ending guilt induced frustrations.

The mask of smiles for your pleasure,
hide the cup of tears,
never can one measure.

Divinity of Life
By Anna C.
True essence of man, thy self
polished armor of life

"HIS" Word

Servant of symbolic status
abhor the arc colored illusion
Envy encased glass mirror image
ego inflame envious eye

White Swan cloaked in putrefied rivalry
declaration of treason proclaimed
 Seductively defend hypocrisy

"HIS" Word Remains

Potent truth credulously avowed
Centered mind, exalted Spirit,
Unite, Give Praise
The quintessence of humility reborn

"HIS" Trinity Ablaze

           Copyright ©2002 

The Forgotten Allegiance  

      Remembrance of September 11, 2001

By: Anna C.

Indivisible illusions of One Republic 



Roaring echoes of might 


Bronze shaded visions a blaze 

Tower high 


Loyal Spirits of one nation


Banished beneath  blood soaked rubble


Silver visions of freedom 



As One

We embrace the reflections 

Barbaric Indignation
cultivates united vows 

Total Elimination

Darkness impaled by the righteous sword

bequeath eternal silence of

Self Importance


Whispers of prayer

unchain the enslaved souls

Torn never again





When  a child protection agency becomes involved in a family's life in the name of keeping children safe, by the very nature of government bureaucracy there are times they become the victims.


by: Anna C.
Jan. 2003

Chit chatter, Spit splatter,

pre-conference room lit,
Abuse, neglect, violent batter.

Mother, Father, Children’s lives,

puzzle pieces tabletop high,
case numbers label of life,
Sir names swirl and fly,
papers, papers piled alive,
hence, jokes derive.

Caseworkers opinions  split,

judgement's placed,
family ripped.

Solid expectations, 

placed before the bench,
tight knit beliefs attempt to mend,
morality weighs family tree,
winds of loneliness bow and bend.

Innocence patiently waits, 

hour glass empty,
tender the eye surrender, 
without further ado,
fatality of life rendered.

Air of Superiority

By Anna C.

Envious eye,
malignant shadow,
cast upon,


Simple minds,


induces pain,
ultimate victory,


Envious eye,
blinded to defeat,


Queen of Hearts
To my Cousin Rose - I Love You and I am Glad I Found You!
July 21st, 2013

Queen of Hearts, gatekeeper of secrets
beneath the charade jealous, contempt ensues.

Sweet little girls unknown to the other,
pleasant, lingering summer nights,
dancing to the  magic Fireflies golden light.

A chilled snap in the air, clouds so white,
multicolor shaded trees aglow,
mountain high leaves of pure delight.

The family gathers, holiday feasting
dreams of sweet aromas oven baked
angelic notes of yule tide greetings.

Blooming promises anew
Sunray  breeze, cool spring rain
welcome the scent of lavender blue

The gate thrown wide open
shadows of the past released
waterfall façade of tears,
there can be no inner peace.

Separate journey, path of sorrows
Our mind and hearts rebel
never knowing, the truth be told
what is willed for our tomorrows.

Living life in full, the yearning never ends,
need connection, search for meaning,
no one fully comprehends.

The fork in the road less traveled,
weary souls meet,
we are not alone.
Historical truths unraveled
together we defeat.

Salvation by His grace, jealous contempt dethroned.
Convictions of yesteryear rooted in persecution
reasons remain unknown.

Understanding was the purpose we endured
Appreciation for one another,
our reward.

More poems to be added in the future !