About the Author

The author is a white Anti-Racist, Social Justice Advocate. She seeks knowledge and truths surrounding the interconnections of the historical and contemporary issues of racism across the globe.

With knowledge and truth comes responsibility. As a woman who is part of the dominate white culture and a citizen of the world, there is a responsibility to share information that will

lead to a more culturally humble society.

The author at times reacts in an emotionally charged manner but does so with a

good heart and from a good place.

The author is of the belief that there is only one race label and that is the Human Race.



Mr. Charles Richard Patterson, founder of what was to become the world's first Black owned automobile manufacturing company.

April 28, 2015


As you can tell,  I usually  do not  express my outrage about the individual murderous stories of Black Americans with the exception of the music video which is, now sadly outdated.  Up until this morning I thought about directly addressing the catastrophe occurring right at this moment in Baltimore Maryland, in response to the funeral of Freddie Gray, a young black man who died while in police custody….no he was murdered while with police. I refuse to use the word “custody” due to the definition of the word. Yes boys and girls please take a moment and look up the definition of the word.      

Anyone who has followed me can never say that I do not speak my mind and do so with supporting facts regarding the continual and blatant Political, Social, Global and Domestic Economic oppression and the continued attempts made at the destruction of Black America.

No one can say that I haven’t provided facts which support the truth that the Black Community’s history and current day to day life experiences in the US, is unlike any other minority group with the exception of the Native Americans.

No one can say that I haven’t provided a backdrop of historical events which creates the timeline linkage to the present day in the 21st Century. This includes bringing to light  the murderous, vile and unjust actions perpetrated upon Black Men, Women and children, in an attempt to demolish the family structure. 

 Instead of rehashing the facts and historical content which is provided throughout this blog forum, I am wondering if there is ANY humanity left in this world? Can we the white race look into ourselves and connect to some raw emotions??  What about delving into the world of empathetic responses?? As part of the larger society are we the white race that far gone that we are unable to unite as one nation under God or whatever higher power you choose, in order to bring about justice for all??

I had a conversation with a gentleman who is also from the Baby Boomer generation. I learned new information. He unknowingly validated my own perspective by sharing his own personal view and he also shed light on areas that I never thought much about.  

Communication is a critical component to bridging the racial divide however; we as white people need  to learn how to listen…and for God sakes just SHUT UP and LISTEN for a change!!  Ask questions rather than defending the social injustices by rambling on and using  the word “BUT”  followed by an offensive excuse, justification or YOUR take on a community you know nothing about! Just SHUT-UP for once! 

I detected an overwhelming sense of sadness and frustration that Mr. James had unknowingly projected regarding the treatment of his community.  He told me that the newest outrage which is occurring in Baltimore is more than just a reaction to the funeral of Freddie Gray. In short it is a violent protest in response to the buildup of numerous racially based historical and contemporary acts, that are consistently ignored, devalued or eradicated from view.  

Although I have heard the following statement several times and in different contexts, when Mr. James framed it for me, the emotions conjured up a deep sorrow and regret. I have sorrow and regret that OUR supposed great land which was allegedly built on the premise of freedom was in actuality, built on a blood stained foundation of non-tolerance, hatred, and multiple layers of inequality. 

Mr. James stated that:  

“I am one traffic stop away from death”.


I have white privilege therefore, I don ‘t have to worry about anything when I get into my car and drive to the store other than a possible speeding ticket, the car breaking down or becoming involved in a car accident. I’m definitely not thinking or worrying about a police officer KILLING MY ASS!!  

All of you who ignore injustices, brain wash yourselves into believing that there is nothing that you can do that will make a difference and to those of you who continue to turn a blind eye to the historically based oppressive and murderous social conditions built by white America, you will all eventually come to the realization that you, yes you, also contribute to this legacy which you are bequeathing to “your” children and MINE! NO these conditions are not only a result of the actions of the generations before us!!

Screw our ancestors; I’m sick of hearing that lame excuse…

I am talking about YOU & ME!!

You go right ahead and continue talking the rhetoric of how you are not bias; you do not discriminate against Black Men, Women, and Children. Please continue to rant about how slavery ended years ago, therefore, the Black community needs to stop whining, after all they do have Affirmative Action which by the way, we continue to dismantle and we want to do away with it anyway!!!

Continue to discount the obvious institutional based oppression and discriminatory practices which continues to fortify the governing institutions and laws in this country as well as support those who oversee the distribution of resources and wealth, both domestically and globally! 

Continue to believe that all it takes to level the social and economic playing fields is for the Black community to help themselves by pulling themselves up by their boot straps and “do a little hard work”. 

Continue to support the violence and murderous treatment of Black Men and Youth by law enforcement AS WELL AS the Judicial System's form of continued slavery....

the prison system.

Continue the violence by holding on to the belief that all it would take to stop this violence from occurring, is for Black Men to obey the law, this would certainly stop the police from murdering innocent Black Men and Youth.  I mean after all…. “They” must have done something to provoke this societal madness.

Keep the delusions alive by holding on tightly to the conviction that in no way are we the white race, the dominate culture and the ultimate decision makers, responsible for decades of skewed judgments that ultimately built…. 

“The Child to Adult Prison Pipeline”
  • Disproportionate number of Black children enter the Foster care system;
  • Disproportionate number of Black children  remain longer in the Foster care system
  • Disproportionate number of Black children in Foster Care and their families receive fewer services than white families
  • Disproportionate number of Black children are labeled as “Special Education” students when many are not
  • Disproportionate numbers of Black Youth who are or were in the Foster care system now become a statistic regarding the…
  • Increased number of contacts by law enforcement which leads to…
  • Disproportionate number of Black youth enters the Juvenile Justice system…
  • Disproportionate number of Black youth then transition into the Adult Criminal Justice system
  • Disproportionate number of Black  Men are incarcerated for non-violent offences 
  • Disproportionate number of Black Men who are sentenced and sent to jail when they are innocent.

These statistics aren’t enough for you? They don’t cover multiple areas in society??  I didn’t think so!! Go back and read my blog article titled “Black America”. There are enough facts that will either change your mind or continue to harden your heart and remove what’s left of your soul!!

History demonstrates how white society continues to do everything in its power to exterminate the Black Man thereby; abolishing the Black Family unit. Did you ever wonder or care that year after year a small number of true historical facts in our children's history books continues to be slowly extracted?? Why you ask?? Because part of the dominate culture wants OUR children to learn how America was built by reading a book reflecting a whitewashed story line of “whiteness”. This in turn, strengthens the wealthy elite's stronghold of the wealth and resources domestically and globally.

Human nature relies on the basic functions relating to self-preservation, self-protection, and survival. Continue to try and threaten the existence of a population of human beings and you will be on the receiving end of survival mode. Remember, survival of the fittest?

I do not condone or support violence towards the oppressors.
I do support social change…


Since 2010
In Remembrance