About the Author
The author is a white Anti-Racist, Social Justice Advocate. She seeks knowledge and truths surrounding the interconnections of the historical and contemporary issues of racism across the globe.
With knowledge and truth comes responsibility. As a woman who is part of the dominate white culture and a citizen of the world, there is a responsibility to share information that will
lead to a more culturally humble society.
The author at times reacts in an emotionally charged manner but does so with a
good heart and from a good place.
The author is of the belief that there is only one race label and that is the Human Race.
December 16th, 2014
This article first appeared on What Matters with Janee Woods
As we all know by now, Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was gunned down by the police while walking to his grandmother’s house in the middle of the afternoon. For the past few days my Facebook news feed has been full of stories about the incidents unfolding in Ferguson, Missouri.
But then I realized something....
For the first couple of days, almost all of the status updates expressing anger and grief about yet another extrajudicial killing of an unarmed black boy, the news articles about the militarized police altercations with community members and the horrifying pictures of his dead body on the city concrete were posted by people of color. Outpourings of rage and demands for justice were voiced by black people, Latinos, Asian Americans, Arab American Muslims. But posts by white people were few at first and those that I saw were posted mostly by my white activist or academic friends who are committed to putting themselves on the front lines of any conversation about racial or economic injustice in America. And almost nothing, silence practically, from the majority of my non activist, nonacademic white friends—those same people who gleefully jumped on the bandwagon to dump buckets of ice over their heads to raise money for ALS and who wrote heartfelt messages about reaching out to loved ones suffering from depression following the suicide of Robin Williams, may he rest in peace. But an unarmed black teenager walking down the street in broad daylight gets harassed and murdered by a white police officer and those same people seem to have nothing urgent to say about pervasive, systemic, deadly racism in America?
Black people are dying and it’s not your personal fault that black people are dying because you’re white but if you don’t make a purposeful choice to become a white ally and actively work to dismantle the racist system running America for the benefit of white people then it becomes your shame because you are white and black lives matter. And if you live your whole life and then die without making a purposeful choice to become a white ally then American racism becomes your legacy.
12 Things White People Can Do
Now Because of Ferguson
This article first appeared on What Matters with Janee Woods
As we all know by now, Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was gunned down by the police while walking to his grandmother’s house in the middle of the afternoon. For the past few days my Facebook news feed has been full of stories about the incidents unfolding in Ferguson, Missouri.
But then I realized something....
For the first couple of days, almost all of the status updates expressing anger and grief about yet another extrajudicial killing of an unarmed black boy, the news articles about the militarized police altercations with community members and the horrifying pictures of his dead body on the city concrete were posted by people of color. Outpourings of rage and demands for justice were voiced by black people, Latinos, Asian Americans, Arab American Muslims. But posts by white people were few at first and those that I saw were posted mostly by my white activist or academic friends who are committed to putting themselves on the front lines of any conversation about racial or economic injustice in America. And almost nothing, silence practically, from the majority of my non activist, nonacademic white friends—those same people who gleefully jumped on the bandwagon to dump buckets of ice over their heads to raise money for ALS and who wrote heartfelt messages about reaching out to loved ones suffering from depression following the suicide of Robin Williams, may he rest in peace. But an unarmed black teenager walking down the street in broad daylight gets harassed and murdered by a white police officer and those same people seem to have nothing urgent to say about pervasive, systemic, deadly racism in America?
White people who are sick and tired of racism should work hard to become white allies. In the aftermath of the murder of Michael Brown, may he rest in power, here are some ways for white people to become white allies who are engaged thoughtfully and critically in examining the situation in Ferguson and standing on the side of justice and equity. This list is a good place to start your fight to dismantle racial inequity and shine a light on the oppressive structures that lead to yet another extrajudicial killing of a black person.
1. Learn about the
racialized history of Ferguson and how it reflects the racialized history of
America. Michael Brown’s murder is not a social
anomaly or statistical outlier. It is the direct product of deadly tensions
born from decades of housing discrimination, white flight, intergenerational
poverty and racial profiling. The militarized police response to peaceful
assembly by the people mirrors what happened in the 1960s during the Civil
Rights Movement.
2. Reject the “He
Was a Good Kid” narrative and lift up the “Black Lives Matter” narrative.
Michael Brown was a good kid,
by accounts of those who knew him
during his short life. But that’s not why his death is tragic. His death isn’t
tragic because he was a sweet kid on his way to college next week. His death is
tragic because he was a human being and his life mattered. The Good Kid
narrative might provoke some sympathy but what it really does is support the
lie that as a rule black people, black men in particular, have a norm of
violence or criminal behavior. The Good Kid narrative says that this kid didn’t
deserve to die because his goodness was the exception to the rule. This is
wrong. This kid didn’t deserve to die because he was a human being and black
lives matter.
3. Use words that speak the truth
about the disempowerment, oppression, disinvestment and racism that are rampant
in our communities. Be mindful, political and socially
aware with your language. Notice how the mainstream news outlets are using
words like riot and looting to describe the uprising in Ferguson. What’s happening is not a riot. The people
are protesting and engaging in a justified rebellion. They have a righteous
anger and are revolting against the police who have terrorized them for years.
4. Understand the
modern forms of race oppression and slavery and how they are intertwined with
policing, the courts and the prison industrial complex. We don’t enslave black people on the
plantation cotton fields anymore. Now we lock them up in for profit prisons at
disproportionate rates and for longer sentences for the same crimes than white
people. And when they are released, they are second class citizens stripped of
voting rights and denied access to housing, employment and education. Mass incarceration is The New Jim Crow .
5. Examine the
interplay between poverty and racial equity.
The twin pillar of racism is economic injustice but do not use class issues to
trump race issues and avoid the racism conversation. While racism and class
oppression are tangled together in this country, the fact remains that the
number one predictor of prosperity and access to opportunity is race.
6. Diversify your
media. Be intentional
about looking for and paying close attention to diverse voices of color on the
TV, on the internet and on the radio to help shape your awareness,
understanding and thinking about political, economic and social issues. Check
out Colorlines, The Root or This Week in Blackness to get started.
7. Adhere to the
philosophy of nonviolence as you resist racism and oppression.
Dr. Martin Luther King advocated
for nonviolent conflict reconciliation as the primary strategy of the Civil
Rights Movement and the charge of His Final Marching Orders . East Point Peace Academy offers online
resources and in person training on nonviolence that is accessible to all
people regardless of ability to pay.
8. Find support from fellow white
allies. Challenge and encourage each other to dig deeper,
even when it hurts and especially when you feel confused and angry and sad and
hopeless, so that you can be more authentic in your shared journey with people
of color to uphold and protect principles of anti-racism and equity in our
society. Go to workshops like Training
for Change’s Whites Confronting Racism or European Dissent by The People’s
Institute. Attend The White Privilege
Conference or the Facing Race conference.
Some organizations offer scholarships or reduced fees to help people attend if
funding is an issue.
9. If you are a
person of faith, look to your scriptures or holy texts for guidance. Seek out
faith based organizations like Sojourners and follow faith leaders that incorporate
social justice into their ministry. Ask your clergy person to address anti-racism
in their sermons and teachings. If you are not a person of faith, learn how the
world’s religions view social justice issues so that when you have opportunity
to invite people of faith to also become white allies, you can talk with them
meaningfully about why being a white ally is supported by their spiritual
10. Don’t be afraid
to be unpopular.
Let’s be realistic. If you start
calling out all the racism you witness (and it will be a lot once you know what
you’re looking at) some people might not want to hang out with you as much.
That’s a risk you’ll need to accept. But think about it like this: staying
silent when you witness oppression is the same as supporting oppression. So you
can be the popular person who stands with the oppressor or you can be the
(maybe) unpopular person who stands for equality and dignity for all people.
Which person would you prefer to be? And honestly, if some people don’t want to
hang out with you anymore once you show yourself as a white ally then why would
you even want to be friends with them anyway? They’re probably racists.
11. Be proactive in your own community. As a white ally, you are not limited
to being reactionary and only rising up to stand on the side of justice when
black people are being subjected to violence very visibly and publicly. Moments
of crisis do not need to be the catalyst because taking action against systemic
racism is always appropriate because systemic racism permeates nearly every
institution and community in this country. Some ideas for action: organize a
community conversation about the state of police-community relations in your
neighborhood, support leaders of color by donating your time or money to their
campaigns or causes, ask the local library to host a showing and discussion
group about the documentary RACE: The Power of an Illusion, attend workshops to
learn how to transform conflict into opportunity for dialogue. Gather together
diverse white allies that represent the diversity of backgrounds in your
community. Antiracism is not a liberals only cause. Antiracism is a movement
for all people, whether they be conservative, progressive, rich, poor, urban or
12. Don’t give up. We’re
400 years into this racist system and it’s going to take a long, long, long
time to dismantle these atrocities. The antiracism movement is a struggle for
generations, not simply the hot button issue of the moment. Transformation of a
broken system doesn’t happen quickly or easily. You may not see or feel the
positive impact of your white allyship in the next month, the next year, the
next decade or even your lifetime. But don’t ever stop. Being a white ally
matters because your thoughts, deeds
This is a list of just 12 ways to be an ally. There are many more ways and I invite you to consider what else you can do to become a strong and loyal white ally. People of color, black people especially, cannot and should not shoulder the burden for dismantling the racist, white supremacist system that devalues and criminalizes black life without the all in support, blood, sweat and tears of white people. If you are not already a white ally, now is the time to become one.
People are literally dying.
Black people are dying and it’s not your personal fault that black people are dying because you’re white but if you don’t make a purposeful choice to become a white ally and actively work to dismantle the racist system running America for the benefit of white people then it becomes your shame because you are white and black lives matter. And if you live your whole life and then die without making a purposeful choice to become a white ally then American racism becomes your legacy.
The choice is yours.
Source URL: http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/12-t.
November 26, 2014
I have been reading and listening to numerous opinionated commentaries,
rumors and out right untruths about the events surrounding the murder of
Michael, the grand Jury proceedings and the ultimate decision not to indite. The
bottom line always returns to the core of the issue.
We as white people
MUST educate ourselves to our country’s true history, if not, we do not have
the right to make uneducated comments about the murder of Michael Brown. Like it or not, the history of the Black
community in America is unique and unlike
and other minority group other than the Native
First Americans, because of the hundreds
of years of salary, vile torturous, murders, oppression and the continued contemporary
racism etc. etc. etc. The residual effect of this history, is the cement blocks
which built and fortifies our white dominant legal, social, political, and
global economic systems and safe guards this nations resources. They are the white
dominant decision makers who decide how these resources will be distributed and
by what rules of govern. As a white person I can go anywhere without needing to
think about what situation I might be walking into etc.
Case in point, on my way to the
Justice Center for a work related court hearing, I took the alley way and coming towards me was a black man approximately
6’ 3”, sunglasses, and dressed casual. As I walked by I looked directly at him and
gave him the warmest hello, and said it’s a great day. He reciprocated however,
he was noticeably stunned. Why do you think that is? What was he thinking? If
that were a white man I guarantee you, that a white man would not be thinking the
same thoughts of maintaining his guard!!
White privilege is what America and the US Constitution was
founded on and continues to be the cement which fortifies every state, institution
and the laws of order. I don't care who you are including myself, if your skin is white,
you have and live your life drenched in white privilege. I wake up every day with
white privilege and like the American Express Card, I not only don’t leave home
without it, I can’t leave home without it.
October 20th, 2014
A Softer Gentler Approach Once Again!
Ok folks I am going to try again to use a softer approach in getting the message across about the state of affairs in our country regarding racial issues. I am human and there are times it becomes so very frustrating that folks will not even be open minded enough to look at the issues on their own. For me it was so very plain to see, once I really examined the issues. Also, when I had questions about race and went to my Black associates, I had to learn that when they attempted to give me an answer based on their lived experiences, that I needed to NOT say BUT and learn to SHUT - UP and truly LISTEN to what they were so kind to share with me. Then and only then, did the pieces begin to fit. And now when I go out into the community, I see those small injustices for myself on a daily basis! I could never live day in and day out, living in a society that does not value your race!
An Example of What a Bisis is:
are given a choice to eat dinner at the
neighborhood Steak House or Seafood House and you choose the Steak House because
you knew they had great food. Another person tried to convince you that the
Seafood House also had great food but you refused to even consider eating at
the Seafood house because you never ate there so you base your decision on what you know without having an open mind to try something different.
doesn’t mean you are a bad person or you
hate seafood. It simply means that based on never experiencing the Seafood
House and based on your past experiences with the Steak House, you are you have a bias towards the Steak House.
So why not keep an open
mind and try the Seafood House in order to experience both?
October 7th, 2014
· An
underlying belief in the superiority of one race over another and its right to
· Generalizing one group of people by believing in simplistic stereotypes of that group.
· Affects every aspect of the lives of communities of color: social, economic, political, health, etc.
· May take three main forms (though all work together to maintain a system of oppression).
· Individual Racism-individual acts that overtly reflect racist attitudes/beliefs. This is the easiest one to identify. I.e. racial slurs, jokes, etc.
· Systemic Racism and Institutional Racism-organizational policies and practices at the structural level that indirectly target communities of color and maintain white privilege. I.e. racism in the criminal justice system (police profiling); racism in the educational system (all white authors on a course reading list.)
· Cultural Racism-value system that supports and allows discriminatory actions against racially and ethno culturally marginalized communities. I.e. white privilege.
Editor Says
This Cartoon Was Not
To Be Racist
The Nation continues to watch and wait for
the grand jury to make a decision in the beginning of the year 2015 on whether
or not the person (I won’t dignify this
killer by stating his name) who shot and killed unarmed Michael Brown will
be criminally charged. Michael Brown was a teenager who was scheduled to begin
his freshmen year in college, the teen who has been unjustifiably labeled a
gang member and a thug…Wow I think I just wrote a blog entry not too long ago about
a young football player who was also unjustifiably labeled a gang member and a
thug. Hmmm, is this the behavioral pattern of scared white men in authority???
With the continued justified unrest
surrounding the killing of unarmed Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri, I
decided to search the internet for any updates regarding this racist cartoon (above)
drawn by Gary McCoy and published in the Columbia Daily Tribune. I must have been
operating on the notion that professional journalist and nationally known
newspaper editors would weigh in on the negative impact of the media on the
issues of racism in America today. To date, I cannot find one published opinion
or editorial column from any of the highly publicized Newspapers, the heavy
hitters such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, and the like
exploring. Where’s the conversation, where’s the dialog on racism in America
today which we keep saying needs to occur??
Ohhhh, I get it, not only is it a “ Good Ole’ Boys
Club”, I completely forgot, it is a “Good Ole’ White Privileged Boys Club”! Please
forgive this white woman’s nativity. I forgot that this “club” if you will, is still
closed to Black Men … this explains the high level of stupidity and club
mentality!!! I then read an article on another blog detailing that Robertson so
eloquently stated that he would have axed the cartoon if he had insight that
the cartoon would have caused such an uproar! Oh really??!!
Mr. Robertson was also quoted as saying:
though I don't necessarily agree that it had no value, it's not worth the
trouble it has caused," he says. "There is no journalistic principle
involved here. You'd rather not piss people off."
Since when do racist messages
have value??
have value??
To my mind, a newspaper editor has the
responsibility to report the news, fact finding news not to spew biases,
stereotypic characterization of OUR Black community who did more than just help to build this country…but rather
the thread that keeps our US flag from fraying. The idea that the editor had
the pure audacity to state the Ferguson cartoon was not intended to be
racist….Lol! Are you serious or like another pompous rich white man, did you
eat too many of your Glaucoma brownies??
Please do enlighten this white person and tell me then, what was the
intent? I would bet my paycheck that if the tables were turned and a white teen
from a wealthy community was murdered, and the editor allowed the publication
of a cartoon depicting this teen with a silver spoon in his mouth and who was
asking to be murdered, the out cry for justice would resonate throughout this
Mr. Robertson please try and educate yourself
on the true definition of racism. Once
educated then maybe you will speak with a tad more intelligence rather than
compare this racist cartoon with that of George Bush! Depicting George Bush with Dumbo ears is not
a disparaging stereotype of a racial group but rather a derogatory slight of
one person‘s intelligence.
· Generalizing one group of people by believing in simplistic stereotypes of that group.
· Affects every aspect of the lives of communities of color: social, economic, political, health, etc.
· May take three main forms (though all work together to maintain a system of oppression).
· Individual Racism-individual acts that overtly reflect racist attitudes/beliefs. This is the easiest one to identify. I.e. racial slurs, jokes, etc.
· Systemic Racism and Institutional Racism-organizational policies and practices at the structural level that indirectly target communities of color and maintain white privilege. I.e. racism in the criminal justice system (police profiling); racism in the educational system (all white authors on a course reading list.)
· Cultural Racism-value system that supports and allows discriminatory actions against racially and ethno culturally marginalized communities. I.e. white privilege.
By: Anti-Racism Media Education (ARMEd)
New Poems Added on Page 3!
People Have White Privilege and
the Obligation
To Improve Race Relations
White People Have White Privilege and
April 15, 2014
DeSean Jackson reportedly skipped
exit meeting with Philadelphia Eagles...
and your point is??????
There is something sooo sad in DeSean eyes. I'm sorry that the Eagles
did this to you DeSean. Turn it around and show them that you are better than that!!
I was talking with a male friend
of mine about the recent situation where the Eagles football organization “released”
DeSean Jackson. Now it is truly amazing to me that beyond the locker room, decisions
were made to tarnish the name of DeSean Jackson. Their feeble and gutless attempt
to associate DeSean with gang activity…notice I added the word activity, was
nothing more than an attempt to hide the truth! Whether DeSean has an
association or friendship with alleged gang members or not, does not make DeSean a criminal, a bad
person or a person with no morals or principles. It merely indicates that he is
a 27 year old male who may not be making the best of decisions. The news continued
to print innuendos that an apparent association with two alleged Crips gang members involved more than just that.
Here is what DeSean had to say upon his release from the Eagles:
“First I
would like to thank the Eagles organization, the Eagles fans and the city of
Philadelphia for my time in Philly. I would also like to thank Coach Andy Reid
for bringing me in. Secondly, I would like to address the misleading and
unfounded reports that my release has anything to do with any affiliation that
has been speculated surrounding the company I keep off of the field. I would
like to make it very clear that I am not and never have been part of any gang.
I am not a gang member and to speculate and assume that I am involved in such
activity off the field is reckless and irresponsible. I work very hard on and
off the field and I am a good person with good values. I am proud of the
accomplishments that I have made both on and off the field. I have worked
tirelessly to give back to my community and have a positive impact on those in
need. It is unfortunate that I now have to defend myself and my intentions.
These reports are irresponsible and just not true. I look forward to working
hard for my new team. God Bless”.
became apparent rather quickly that the Eagles lame attempt to taint DeSean’s
name and reputation was going absolutely nowhere. As a matter of fact, I am
guessing that their attempt may have even bordered a slanderous law suit of
some kind.
We are into April and
reports seem to now solely focus on DeSean’s irresponsibility regarding his work
ethic. DeSean spoke to reporters and thanked the Eagles organization, the
Philly fans for his time here in Philadelphia…the front office of the Eagles
was damn lucky to get that much!! But OHHH no wHITE PRIVILEGE reared its ugly
head once again!!
newest focus as reported by the online Sports Illustrated Dibbles, is the fact that the Eagles were pissed off with Jackson because he was the “only longtime member
of the Eagles organization who departed this off -season without a
well-wishing from team chairman Jeffrey Lurie in a press release”. Ohhhh
my, what an awful crime!! How dare you DeSean not kiss his wealthy white perivillaged butt, what were you thinking...yeah right!! Well I am sorry, why would anyone want to say goodbye and get a "well-wishing" in front of the whole world with the chairmen of an organization which tried to destroy DeSean's reputation with the use
of stereotypical, visual racial labels to boot???? If the front office was that concerned with alleged gang affiliation then they should have done something about it way before this!
Jefferey Lurie, you white privileged, pompous, arrogant, wealthy
narcissist... are you serious, have you smoked too much Glaucoma medicine or
maybe drank too much vodka Jeff??? Who the hell do you think you are to expect
more than a "thank you" in a press release from a man who you tried to destroy his stardom, his reputation, credibility, manhood and most importantly his Blackness all for the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR?? As a white person I am so sick of people like YOU!
To my mind, the entire incident is based on a
relatively simple explanation. As fatherly as Andy Reid was, his tenure ended
as a coach in Philadelphia a long time ago. Chip Kelly just came on board and a
new promise was born based on the team’s ability to turn the tide with
consecutive wins which equates to BIG, BIG money. My friend made an awesome point. Now mind you, before the
Eagles, Chip Kelly was a College football coach of college age boys. He never
had experience in the NFL dealing with wealthy football players who all of a sudden are in the
national spotlight and who are also grown ass men!! Moreover, it has been written
that “Chip Kelly did not see eye-to-eye with Jackson,
and questioned his star's work ethic”. Although I believe this point has merit, I also believe that Jeff did not want to spend the money on DeSean. Fine be a man and say that Jeff!
Back to Chip...First off Chip, let’s get something straight
from the door. DeSean Jackson was not "yours" or anyone elses star…DeSean Jackson is his own star! Secondly, Chip, you need to gain some
interpersonal engagement skills in order to know how to effectively deal with
men, men who are not use to being treated like boys but men who maybe having a difficult time in life and men who may not know or understand who you are. Also, look at the players
and the lens in which they view the world. Take a look at DeSean’s family
losses, including an important male role model and how that loss impacted him
during his younger years and maybe, just maybe, Chip, the light bulb will go off in that head of yours. Well guess what guys, I am going to use my white privilege and try to get this viewpoint on the books!! (Continued below)
LeSean McCoy offered something DeSean Jackson hasn't received since the Philadelphia Eagles released him...public support from an ex-teammate!!!
LeSean McCoy offered something DeSean Jackson hasn't received since the Philadelphia Eagles released him...public support from an ex-teammate!!!
Are you trying to set DeSean up for failure by publically discrediting him so all of you in the Eagles organization can say "See DeSean isn't the person he proclaims to be...we did do the right thing by releasing him from the Eagles organization" The saddest aspect involving this entire
situation is the fact that in a national spotlight Jeffrey baby, you and Chip humiliated DeSean
and solely because of your inability to lead your organization and workforce in
an ethical manner.
I cannot wait to see what happens in the 2014 season!
It is times like this that I wish my job was driving the Karma Bus!!!
April 7, 2014
September 25, 2013
I had decided that I would be in attendance at the Coatesville School Districts school board meeting Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. in the 9/10 Center auditorium on the high school campus. The Coatesville area was not only a home to me in the past, but several associates and good friends currently live in Coatesville. I made sure that no one knew that I would be attending the meeting because this was not my intent and would take away from the purpose.
The first issue was the decision not to move the meeting to one of the many other district buildings on site that could hold additional Coatesville parents and residents. The school board members and administrators declined the earlier request made which appears to communicate a continuation of white dominate control over the masses!
When I arrived wearing my double sided sign, there were two other white women with children caring signs. During our conversation they stated that they were there to support the teachers. It became abundantly clear rather quickly, that the real issues were not being acknowledged and the needed support from the white community was not being provided.
The eyes of the children who were accompanying their parents appeared to be wounded and filled with confusion. Those arriving who appeared to be of the Baby Boomer generation, read my sign and gave a gentle nod of their acknowledgement and approval. It appeared that a large majority of the Baby Boomer generation, displayed similar facial expressions. After a further conversation with my AA/Black associates, validation was provided that what I was witnessing was a sense of sadness yet a semblance of toleration as if this incident was nothing more than a reoccurring echo of the past, a reality of the present, a way of life as only experienced and known by the AA/Black community.
I was asked by the two white women I first encountered, if I wanted to save a seat in the auditorium. Due to the limited seating, I decline based on the belief that those who were directly impacted by these vile texts, should be seen and heard by the school board members that were voted in by the AA/Black Coatesville parents/citizens.
As I was standing and chatting with an African American mother, parents and citizens continued to arrive however, they could not enter the building but rather stood by and with the back door open in an attempt to hear the proceedings. It is this picture that is etched in my mind and I cannot erase the feelings this evoked within me. You ask why, I will tell you my opinion.
Ever single white parent and citizen should have stood outside by the front and back doors in solidarity to support the African American/Black community. In turn, the AA/Black individuals standing by the back door, should have been the individuals seated in the auditorium.
I am not discounting the probability that the white people inside did not have good intentions on a conscious level however, to my mind, these "good intentions" are not good enough anymore!! This is just another prime example of white privilege/entitlement at work.
White privilege is what America and the US Constitution was founded on and continues to be the cement which fortifies every state and institution. I don't care who you are including myself, if your skin is white, you have and live your life drenched in white privilege.
Last but certainly not least...yessss I realize that the white parents seated in the auditorium are citizens and tax payers too and they also have a right to be heard however, that was not and is not the issue at hand and I will not belabor the subject any further in this post...so if you are not in agreement, stop trying to justify your position!
The first issue was the decision not to move the meeting to one of the many other district buildings on site that could hold additional Coatesville parents and residents. The school board members and administrators declined the earlier request made which appears to communicate a continuation of white dominate control over the masses!
When I arrived wearing my double sided sign, there were two other white women with children caring signs. During our conversation they stated that they were there to support the teachers. It became abundantly clear rather quickly, that the real issues were not being acknowledged and the needed support from the white community was not being provided.
The eyes of the children who were accompanying their parents appeared to be wounded and filled with confusion. Those arriving who appeared to be of the Baby Boomer generation, read my sign and gave a gentle nod of their acknowledgement and approval. It appeared that a large majority of the Baby Boomer generation, displayed similar facial expressions. After a further conversation with my AA/Black associates, validation was provided that what I was witnessing was a sense of sadness yet a semblance of toleration as if this incident was nothing more than a reoccurring echo of the past, a reality of the present, a way of life as only experienced and known by the AA/Black community.
I was asked by the two white women I first encountered, if I wanted to save a seat in the auditorium. Due to the limited seating, I decline based on the belief that those who were directly impacted by these vile texts, should be seen and heard by the school board members that were voted in by the AA/Black Coatesville parents/citizens.
As I was standing and chatting with an African American mother, parents and citizens continued to arrive however, they could not enter the building but rather stood by and with the back door open in an attempt to hear the proceedings. It is this picture that is etched in my mind and I cannot erase the feelings this evoked within me. You ask why, I will tell you my opinion.
Ever single white parent and citizen should have stood outside by the front and back doors in solidarity to support the African American/Black community. In turn, the AA/Black individuals standing by the back door, should have been the individuals seated in the auditorium.
I am not discounting the probability that the white people inside did not have good intentions on a conscious level however, to my mind, these "good intentions" are not good enough anymore!! This is just another prime example of white privilege/entitlement at work.
White privilege is what America and the US Constitution was founded on and continues to be the cement which fortifies every state and institution. I don't care who you are including myself, if your skin is white, you have and live your life drenched in white privilege.
Last but certainly not least...yessss I realize that the white parents seated in the auditorium are citizens and tax payers too and they also have a right to be heard however, that was not and is not the issue at hand and I will not belabor the subject any further in this post...so if you are not in agreement, stop trying to justify your position!
March 26th, 2014
Coatesville School Boards Under Handed Methods in Maintaining Control Over the Hiring of the New CASD Superintendent.
Ok folks, after chilling out and processing old and new information about this entire situation, I could go on a long rant about the CASB's intent on maintaining the status quo at every turn of the search for a new school district superintendent however, it appears that the usage of words either in this forum or the texting of vile racist text messages, has absolutely NO impact whatsoever with those who perceive themselves as above the legal, moral and social ethics and values that I know a great many of us possess and live by.
I could belabor the fact that the school board approved to wastefully spend I believe $40,000.00 or so, to retain the services of a company that conducted a candidate search for potential interviewee's or the blatant disregard of the Black community's need to be part of this entire hiring process.
I am however, going to pose a multi dimensional question.
What specific ways will the Coatesville School Board benefit from willfully creating barriers, that will exclude the Black community from this process?
Remember Folks ...
March 25th, 2014
Part 3 - Coatesville School Board
Chester County Conversations: Guest Alphonso Newsuan - Alain Foster brings to you inside information on the choosing of the new CASD Superintendent
View the Video Update My editorial will follow shortly oncemy temper has cooled!
How many times and in how many different ways must it be said, that we ALL have an obligation to support the Black community of Coatesville...our community!
Click here to view the video
MARCH 21, 2014
Free Marissa Alexander & Get
Rid of Angela Corey!!
It is beyond all comprehension how the Florida State Attorney
Angela Corey who is best known for her inability to obtain murder convictions for the murderers of both Tyrone Martin and Jordan Davis has the audacity along with the
state of Florida, on being hell bent on sending Marissa Alexander to prison for 60 years, all for attempting to defend herself by firing a simple warning shot to stop
her abusive husband! Seriously, this is like living in the twilight zone of
simpletons!!! Ms. Alexander is a domestic violence survivor and Black mother of
three who is facing prison for the rest of her life.
Ms. Alexander was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2012 however;
it took a massive public outrage by the Black community along
with their supporters in order for Ms. Alexander to win an appeal thereby; freeing
her in September of 2012. But it appears
that this has just fueled the fire for Angela Corey and she is NOW stepping up her
game in an attempt to secure a conviction.
DAMN IT!!! The woman
is known as the "killingest prosecutor." Corey has a trail of biased prosecutions
however, what supports my label of Corey as a racist prosecutor is the simple
fact that she refused to acknowledge the
issues of race, that impacted the murder trials of George Zimmerman and Michael
I’m sorry, to my mind it is very simple, and so simple a 5th
grader was able to identify the fact that this is pure biased prosecutorial misconduct. Among
other issues, Corey withhold evidence, obviously failed to prepare key
witnesses, etc. which led to a run away
train which crashed, resulting in ludicracy at
it’s all time finest!
Here I go once againnnn...as a white person I am ashamed at the
systematic destruction of the Black community!!!! Free this woman NOW and get
your precious Corey out of the SA's office NOW!
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