July 14, 2016
This was a Face Book post that I believe is a critical message in our understanding of how we are perceived based on facts and our indifference!! We need to do better....STEP UP!!
This was a Face Book post that I believe is a critical message in our understanding of how we are perceived based on facts and our indifference!! We need to do better....STEP UP!!
Almost ALL Black people have white people in their lives that we refer to as friends. The reality is, we use that term very loosely.
What we really mean is we have white associates. People we work with, know, the "greeter" at the grocery store... All associates.
A "White Friend" is entirely different. A white friend is a white person whom when he hears you talking about the Struggle... Sees what you've posted about the Struggle... He is right there with you. Matter of fact, he/she will add more to it! If you were trying to hold up a 5 foot long #BlackLivesMatter banner, they would grab the other end and march alongside you.
These are the white people who when in an all white group and someone makes a racist statement... They speak up and put them in check. They refuse to keep silent. They understand Black and Minority anger and marvel at how well we've kept it in check this long.
A white *associate* takes pride in the fact he/she *knows* Black people. You are more of a cultural enrichment tool for their lives. Intellectually, they think... IMAGINE your struggle, but they are not willing to move out of their comfort zone to do anything about it.
They quite frequently take pride in the number of "Black friends" they know... Matter of fact, you're more of an entry on their résumé under the diversity *experience* section. Yes, they may vote the right way... on occasion, but they don't have skin in the game. Sort of like college students engaging in the civil disobedience of a "sit-in" just to get an arrest record for their activism. The mugshot will go into their scrapbook to show their grandkids.
You need to know the difference between a FRIEND and an ASSOCIATE. They are not the same. Over time, an associate *may* turn out to be a friend. But that is not guaranteed.