About the Author

The author is a white Anti-Racist, Social Justice Advocate. She seeks knowledge and truths surrounding the interconnections of the historical and contemporary issues of racism across the globe.

With knowledge and truth comes responsibility. As a woman who is part of the dominate white culture and a citizen of the world, there is a responsibility to share information that will

lead to a more culturally humble society.

The author at times reacts in an emotionally charged manner but does so with a

good heart and from a good place.

The author is of the belief that there is only one race label and that is the Human Race.

Page 3 - Poems

                                By Anna C.

Deep within the eye of the storm,
festers maddening forlorn.

Understand deaden silence, 
beyond contempt

One never dreamt,
love and scorn intertwine, 

cascade of ray’s 
highlight the early morn sun,

pray for mercy 
All Divine.

The Journey of a Mason

By: Anna C.

Glacial cornerstone intersect, 
future hopes and dreams,
wall of life regret.

Weather beaten 

against all time,
one among many, 

sole proprietor to bind. 

Strength weaken, 
foundation jeopardized, 
cement  decay, 
harmony antagonized. 

Bricks must lay, 
even distribution,  
bearing weight, 
each passing day.


By: Anna C.

Echoes of thunder roar,
Whistling winds a swirl,
Let no man put him under

Embrace the blacken rapture
Lone traveler of ravenous torment
Banished upon the darken sea.

Captured within life's unforgiving sin
Promised union, cultivates vows
Bequeathing eternal silence 
beneath the deaden wave

Unchain the enslaved soul
Whisper a prayer 
One spirit to save.


By: Anna Caffarelli

Tree of friendship,
season shift,
brilliant shades par take,
Mother Earth… hush,
fertility sown,
brown leaves,

Cold wind rushing,
icicles adorn,
majestic branches bow,

Warm rays beckon,
seedlings peek,
green bud sprout,
shaded leaves,

Cornfield scorched,
unearth bountiful crop,
threw the maze,
seasons flourish,
tree of friendship,
rooted deep

Years will pass,
Luscious beds of green,
planted memories,
 warmly cherished

May Flowers of Love
 To Rosemary at the loss of your son”
By: Anna 2003
Dew misted quilt, blanket saturated,
hilltop memories so clear,
Weeping tear filled puddles,
one wish ever so dear.

Sparkling eyes of wonder, yesteryear of joy,
Mud filled sneakers bounce and explore,
sunray glistening rainwater pools,
discovering the coldness splashing about,
face wrinkled giggles of pure delight.
Laces of love tied to a mother’s heart,
body in constant motion, a little boy.

Feet filled pajamas scamper and dart,
imaginary play of wood carved spears,
victorious battle, a monstrous goblin,
capture phantom closet fears.

Calendar pages flip threw years,
Mother’s shielding dream,
fulfillment of a man proudly appears,
All that is nurtured by threads of love,

never truly torn apart.

Gift-wrap the gleam of your little boy’s eyes,
keep warm and safe deep within,
your multi-colored ribbon
encased heart.