About the Author

The author is a white Anti-Racist, Social Justice Advocate. She seeks knowledge and truths surrounding the interconnections of the historical and contemporary issues of racism across the globe.

With knowledge and truth comes responsibility. As a woman who is part of the dominate white culture and a citizen of the world, there is a responsibility to share information that will

lead to a more culturally humble society.

The author at times reacts in an emotionally charged manner but does so with a

good heart and from a good place.

The author is of the belief that there is only one race label and that is the Human Race.

Stevie Wonder the man, the myth, the legend - is responsible for the election anthem of 2016, and he doesn’t even know it yet.

September 24, 2016

   A Critical Time In Our History

This isn't my best writing, but this needs to be written now not when a polished written piece is completed!!! We as a society wonder why our country is in the state that it is in. There has always been people who were bigoted  and racist but there was one main distinction between now and 8 years ago and that is, we as a people now allow politicians to threaten the life of the President of the United States!! Now anyone from Presidential candidates to protesters, can say or write the most vile, hateful,  sterotypic, bigoted and racist statements without it being viewed as a direct threat. 

In OUR country people are encouraged to incite violence and murderous acts against one another etc. etc. all without consequences and more importantly without a conscious and sensitive to the human being . We have allowed this behavior to become the norm of the United States.

In addition to the obvious reasons for  ethical change in OUR country,  I have said and will continue to say, that this type of hatred and divisiveness is EXACTLY what our enemies desire. Continuing to fuel such hatred will ignite a catostaphic  occurrence unlike  anything we have seen in our lifetime!! This is a critical period in our country's history and we have to get this right!

"United We Stand, Divided We Fall"!!

August 3, 2016

Remove The Presidential Candidate Donald Trump:

 Potential National Security Risk!  

Sign Petition Today!!


The United States of America is the greatest nation on earth based on OUR democratic principles and values. The political progress, growth and development in last century is centered in OUR US National Constitution. We the People have supported and worked hard with our local, state and federal lawmakers and politicians, in advocating for effective and hopefully peaceful foreign relationships and policies, US domestic policies including but not limited to, women’s rights, racial and religious equality, fair treatment of OUR US Service Men and Women, US Military Veterans, people with MH/IDD/Physical disabilities and the  LGBT community

Almost daily, we have ALL witnessed the repeated verbal attacks, and untruths which Donald Trump spews across all political parties, races, genders, religious and ethnic communities.  Donald Trump’s inappropriate, intolerant, insulting and hateful messages, threatens to undue the very fabric that our American flag represents. Our US political process is not a perfect one and could be improved upon, however, we must do so in a democratic and peaceful manner.

This is a unique and scary time in history where ALL people across ALL parties, religions, races, ethnicities, sexual preferences and socio-economic status, are called to come together and ensure that Donald Trump is removed from the privilege of running as a US Presidential Candidate to preserve OUR rights and privileges.

Petitioning to remove Donald Trump from the Presidential Election Ballot is NOT a Democrat or Republican party issue and should NOT be used as one.

This is an AMERICAN issue. 

God Bless America!

July 23rd, 2016


BAD NEWS: The New York Times reports that Donald Trump's father Fred was arrested in 1927 following a fight between police and members of the Ku Klux Klan in New York City.

Trumps family name is Drumpf. His grandfather Friedrich Drumpf and grandmother Elisabeth were born in Germany and emigrated to the United States and changed their name hence TRUMP. Yet in one of his books he claims Swedish ancestry. When asked why he did not include his German heritage, he did not have a response other than “I don’t know”

On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by the Ku Klux Klan. In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl with POLICE in which seven men were arrested.

One of those arrested was Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Rd. in Jamaica, Queens New York. The address in the article also matches that of Trump's fathers address in Queens. Yet Trump denies his father ever lived there!!

One could say that this arrest record isn’t exactly proof that Fred Trump was in the KKK…YOU decide. Also, both were sued several times for keeping Blacks from renting any of their properties etc. etc. !!!!

When asked about the white supremacist David Duke was….

” I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists.“

Not Racist?? Really Donny??????????

The United States MUST UNITE very soon before 
our enemy's figure out a way to use our 
divisiveness to their advantage!!
My heart and prayers go out to the people  

 In Nice, France

July 14, 2016

This was a Face Book post that I believe is a critical message in our understanding of how we are perceived based on facts and our indifference!! We need to do better....STEP UP!!



Almost ALL Black people have white people in their lives that we refer to as friends. The reality is, we use that term very loosely.

What we really mean is we have white associates. People we work with, know, the "greeter" at the grocery store... All associates.
A "White Friend" is entirely different. A white friend is a white person whom when he hears you talking about the Struggle... Sees what you've posted about the Struggle... He is right there with you. Matter of fact, he/she will add more to it! If you were trying to hold up a 5 foot long ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ banner, they would grab the other end and march alongside you.
These are the white people who when in an all white group and someone makes a racist statement... They speak up and put them in check. They refuse to keep silent. They understand Black and Minority anger and marvel at how well we've kept it in check this long.
A white *associate* takes pride in the fact he/she *knows* Black people. You are more of a cultural enrichment tool for their lives. Intellectually, they think... IMAGINE your struggle, but they are not willing to move out of their comfort zone to do anything about it.
They quite frequently take pride in the number of "Black friends" they know... Matter of fact, you're more of an entry on their résumé under the diversity *experience* section. Yes, they may vote the right way... on occasion, but they don't have skin in the game. Sort of like college students engaging in the civil disobedience of a "sit-in" just to get an arrest record for their activism. The mugshot will go into their scrapbook to show their grandkids.
You need to know the difference between a FRIEND and an ASSOCIATE. They are not the same. Over time, an associate *may* turn out to be a friend. But that is not guaranteed.

We Need To Educate Ourselves. Be Courageous And Step Up!!

This week on CBS's "Face the Nation," the former New York City mayor referred to the anti-police brutality movement as "inherently racist"!! His statement was vile and disgusting by blaming black youth for our country's struggle with racial equality.

Our society has oversimplified  the definition of  racism as simply  one group disliking another group. Minority individuals can be prejudice, have biases, are bigoted, ignorant and stereotype different races and cultures However,  I repeat however, you can NOT use the words prejudice and racist interchangeably because they are NOT one in the same!! 

The verbs listed above, are part of the definition of racism but not as stand alone actions.  Racism is when one group of people believe they are superior to other minority groups. Racism also includes  individuals and institutions operating from within the dominate culture, who benefit from the oppression of minority individual/groups. 

How can anyone of us in the United States, Black, white, yellow, red etc. sit down and begin engaging in courageous conversations, without truly understanding the meaning of words that we all have used interchangeably one time or another. We need to be educated as well as take responsibility in educating ourselves.

July 8th, 2016


Watching numerous news accounts on the Dallas situation, I knew that I had to respond. Without a doubt justice must be served!! In a perfect world, justice would be served to ALL. In a balanced court of law, lone radical murderers like the shooter in Dallas as well as, ALL of the police murderers around the country would be included in this perfectly balanced system, rather than excluded based on the criteria
of wearing the color Blue. In a perfect world, we would look at one another with genuineness and humility rather than hate, disgust and/or indifference.

I'm afraid that  consciously and/or unconsciously, incidents like Dallas will only fuel  further racial stereotyping, strengthen existing racial bias and unite racist, hate filled white people especially those in authority.  The rules for Grand Jury inquiries are completely stacked for the accused if dressed in Blue.  Our  existing foundation, fundamental principles and established precedents which flow across multiple sectors in this country,  are nothing more than whitewashed laws, guidelines and procedures that continue at a minimum to further the inequality mindset!!  
Really???? WTF white America!!! A great way to heal!!

The ACLU of Louisiana stated that Alton Sterling’s death marks the 122nd killing of a Black person by U.S. police this year. As a white person I am soooo sick of seeing my race continually justify murdering Black Men over, and over and over again!!!

This is not a Black issue, or a white issue. This is a WE issue, an internal American issue. We need to do what families do, we need to FIX this! I think about  how our country is under foreign terrorist threat and once again what our ancestors said….

”United We Stand, Divided We Fall”!!  

I Am NOT Black, You are NOT White
July 1, 2016

After a long absence, I am returning to blogging. Since my last post I have relocated from Pennsylvania to North Carolina.

This video was posted on my FaceBook page. I find the message to cross over to other populations as well!!