September 1ST , 2015
The newest racist rhetoric is voiced by Bill O'Reilly and FOX News, am I surprised" Hell no. While I fully support keeping our police officers safe and condemn the murders of our officers, I resent the fact that our US Constitutional Rights are being violated once again. And we are allowing the conservative white race (my race) to once again block and place barricades in front of the Black Community in an attempt to stop them from protesting the slaughter of innocent Black lives, no matter who is doing the killing, civilians or law enforcement!!! By stopping the protest, the conservatives maintain the goal of oppression in order to maintain their economic and political position domestically and globally.
Linking the protests as a major contributor to the murders of Innocent police officers, is just another tactic that the right-wing Conservatives and Tea Party radicals are using to send a message justifying the murders of innocent Black lives.
FOX news and Moran's like Bill O'Reilly began spear heading a campaign against BLM for MONTHS now!! They are characterizing the Black Lives Matter organization as a hate group that supports police officers being murdered.
Remember that the activist movement of the organization Black Lives Matter began after George Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin.
Give me solid proof that the organization as a whole entity supports and ignites violence against police officers. If you can provide hard facts then I will be right there with you and I will take back all of my words!!
Don't give me shit like O'Reilly saying that "the protests probably had some effect on the murder Friday night" and then expect me to agree and passively say "OK Bill you are so right"!! People need to start looking for solid factual proof not just words that elude to misconceptions or the linkage of racist rhetoric as the almighty truths for this Nation to follow !! Give me an Fuckin' break.
Guess what Bill baby, you incite so much rage that maybe you will have some sort of negative effect on my behavior...can I use that as a defense?
The last I heard my great country was built on a constitutional foundation! Just like these right wing conservative radicals preach their loyalty to America, I am preaching my love for, dedication to, loyalty of and commitment to these United States of America!! We should be a UNITED America in order to protect our land. Remember: "United We Stand, Devised We Fall"??
Hard cold, factual evidence folks!!! We live in a world where we are allegedly innocent until PROVEN guilty. My new saying is exactly this: