I know I keep re-posting this music video,
but this song tells the story in a powerful way. While the Black Community attempts to get out from under,
we the white race need to tear down the baracades .
we the white race need to tear down the baracades .
Get a Clue white America!!
United We Stand, Divided We Fall!!
September 7th 2015
My Response to Dr. J. Sapio's thought provoking article titled:
"The Attack On #BlackLivesMatter:
Understanding How America Operates"
Click here for Dr, J's Article

and thank you for providing additional facts and perspectives. Traveling my
life long journey immersed in social justice, I am always searching for new
my travels talking with folks from the white race (my race) there has always
been a consistent theme. Within that theme there is a common thread and that is
the question of why? What would white America gain from continuing racist
oppression? When providing an answer I am sure I cannot do it justice, however,
I attempt to explain the reasoning behind a very complex issue, centered in the
very topic you broached and that is unification on a global level. Your article
reflects and connects the historical oppressive racist facts with the
contemporary occurrences. What I recently discovered appears to be another link
in this complex issue. And please correct me if I am wrong!
conservative, radical wealthy elite have an enormous amount to lose if they do
not maintain a stronghold on the Black World population. I always wondered why
Africans viewed Black Americans in such a negative light. There appears to be a
growing discontent between the two communities, which I assume originates and
continues to be fueled by the dominate white culture.
I recently
learned that since 1958, 14 African countries continue to be forced by France,
to pay a yearly Colonial Pact Tax for the benefit of their continuing
independence. They are required to relinquish 85% of their funds into France
central bank and under their strict control. They are putting in 500 Billion
dollars every year into the French treasury!!! 500 Billion!!! In fact France
allows them to access only 15% of the money in any given year. If there is need
for any more, they need to borrow the extra money from their own 65% at
commercial interest rates!!! That my friend is more than just obscene!! The
African leaders, who refuse to do so, are killed or are a victim of coup in
their country. Hmmm, the news media portrays it as Africa’s internal Black on
Black war. Those leaders who obey are rewarded by France with lavish lifestyle
while their people endure extreme poverty, and desperation. And how does the
news media portray this story??? If you read the Colonial Pact, as well as the
Defense Agreements, you can clearly see the oppressive control over Africa’s
military, political and natural resources. I cannot buy any products straight
from Africa. There is ALWAYS a middle man if you will.
I am sure
the issue of European control in Africa alone, goes much deeper than this.
Therefore, it behooves the Global white conservative, radical, wealthy elite to
maintain their powerbase here in America, Africa and worldwide by tightening
their oppressive control in order to keep African and Black Americans enslaved
to the European racist mindset.
Can you
imagine the enormous political and economic alliances that could be formed, if
both the African and Black American populations took back what is rightfully
God Bless
You All…God’s Chosen People!