About the Author

The author is a white Anti-Racist, Social Justice Advocate. She seeks knowledge and truths surrounding the interconnections of the historical and contemporary issues of racism across the globe.

With knowledge and truth comes responsibility. As a woman who is part of the dominate white culture and a citizen of the world, there is a responsibility to share information that will

lead to a more culturally humble society.

The author at times reacts in an emotionally charged manner but does so with a

good heart and from a good place.

The author is of the belief that there is only one race label and that is the Human Race.

March 26th, 2014

Coatesville School Boards Under Handed Methods in Maintaining Control Over the Hiring of the New CASD Superintendent.

Ok folks, after chilling out and processing old and new information about this entire situation, I could go on a long rant about the CASB's intent on maintaining the status quo at every turn of the search for a new school district superintendent however, it appears that the usage of words either in this forum or the texting of vile racist text messages, has absolutely NO impact whatsoever with those who perceive themselves as above the legal, moral and social ethics and values that I know a great many of us possess and live by. 

I could belabor the fact that the school board approved to wastefully spend I believe $40,000.00 or so, to retain the services of a company that conducted a candidate search for potential interviewee's or the blatant disregard of the Black community's need to be part of this entire hiring process. 

I am however, going to pose a multi dimensional question. 

What specific ways will the Coatesville School Board benefit from  willfully creating barriers, that will exclude the Black community from this process? 

 Remember Folks ...

March 25th, 2014

Part 3 - Coatesville School Board 

Chester County Conversations: Guest Alphonso Newsuan - Alain Foster brings to you inside information on the choosing of the new CASD Superintendent

View the Video Update  My editorial will follow shortly oncemy temper has cooled! 

How many times and in how many different ways must it be said, that we ALL have an obligation to support the Black community of Coatesville...our community!

Click here to view the video

MARCH 21, 2014

                    ONCE  AGAIN I ASK…

                    ARE YOU SERIOUS??

Free Marissa Alexander  &  Get Rid of Angela Corey!!

It is beyond all comprehension how the Florida State Attorney Angela Corey who is best known for her inability to obtain murder convictions for the murderers of both Tyrone Martin and Jordan Davis has the audacity along with the state of Florida, on being hell bent on sending Marissa Alexander to prison for 60 years, all for attempting to defend herself by firing a simple warning shot to stop her abusive husband! Seriously, this is like living in the twilight zone of simpletons!!!  Ms. Alexander is a domestic violence survivor and Black mother of three who is facing prison for the rest of her life.

Ms. Alexander was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2012 however; it took a massive  public outrage by the Black community along with their supporters in order for Ms. Alexander to win an appeal thereby; freeing her in September of 2012.  But it appears that this has just fueled the fire for Angela Corey and she is NOW stepping up her game in an attempt to secure a conviction.
 DAMN IT!!! The woman is known as the "killingest prosecutor."  Corey has a trail of biased prosecutions however, what supports my label of Corey as a racist prosecutor is the simple fact that  she refused to acknowledge the issues of race, that impacted the murder trials of George Zimmerman and Michael Dunn.
I’m sorry, to my mind it is very simple, and so simple a 5th grader was able to identify the fact that this is pure biased prosecutorial misconduct. Among other issues, Corey withhold evidence, obviously failed to prepare key witnesses, etc. which  led to a run away train which crashed, resulting in  ludicracy at it’s all time finest!

Here I go once againnnn...as a white person I am ashamed at the systematic destruction of the Black community!!!! Free this woman NOW and get your precious Corey out  of the SA's office NOW! 


Sign the Petition Today!

Click Here for the Petition ColorofChange.org

March 20th, 2014
I am still in the process of recoverying items deleted by a hacker. I should have a new post published shortly. Thank you so much for your patience!