About the Author
The author is a white Anti-Racist, Social Justice Advocate. She seeks knowledge and truths surrounding the interconnections of the historical and contemporary issues of racism across the globe.
With knowledge and truth comes responsibility. As a woman who is part of the dominate white culture and a citizen of the world, there is a responsibility to share information that will
lead to a more culturally humble society.
The author at times reacts in an emotionally charged manner but does so with a
good heart and from a good place.
The author is of the belief that there is only one race label and that is the Human Race.
April 28, 2015
As you can tell, I
usually do not express my outrage about the individual murderous stories of Black Americans with the exception of the music video which is, now sadly
outdated. Up until this morning I
thought about directly addressing the catastrophe occurring right at this moment
in Baltimore Maryland, in response to the funeral of Freddie Gray, a young black
man who died while in police custody….no he was murdered while
with police. I refuse to use the word “custody” due to the definition of the
word. Yes boys and girls please take a moment and look up the definition of the
Anyone who has followed me can never say that I do not
speak my mind and do so with supporting facts regarding the continual and
blatant Political, Social, Global and Domestic Economic oppression and the continued attempts
made at the destruction of Black America.
No one can say that I haven’t provided facts which support
the truth that the Black Community’s history and current day to day life experiences in the US, is
unlike any other minority group with the exception of the Native Americans.
No one can say that I haven’t provided a backdrop of
historical events which creates the timeline linkage to the present day in the 21st
Century. This includes bringing to light the murderous, vile and unjust actions perpetrated upon
Black Men, Women and children, in an attempt to demolish the family
Instead of rehashing
the facts and historical content which is provided throughout this blog forum,
I am wondering if there is ANY
humanity left in this world? Can we the white race look into ourselves
and connect to some raw emotions?? What
about delving into the world of empathetic responses?? As part of the larger
society are we the white race that far gone that we are unable to unite as one
nation under God or whatever higher power you choose, in order to bring about
justice for all??
I had a conversation with a gentleman who is also from the
Baby Boomer generation. I learned new information. He unknowingly validated my own
perspective by sharing his own personal view and he also shed light on areas
that I never thought much about.
Communication is a critical component to bridging the
racial divide however; we as white people need to learn how to listen…and for God sakes just SHUT UP and LISTEN for a change!! Ask questions rather than defending the
social injustices by rambling on and using
the word “BUT” followed by an offensive excuse, justification or YOUR take on a community you know nothing about! Just SHUT-UP for once!
I detected an overwhelming
sense of sadness and frustration that Mr. James had unknowingly projected
regarding the treatment of his community. He told me that the newest outrage which is
occurring in Baltimore is more than just a reaction to the funeral of Freddie
Gray. In short it is a violent protest in response to the buildup of numerous
racially based historical and contemporary acts, that are consistently
ignored, devalued or eradicated from view.
Although I have heard the following statement several times
and in different contexts, when Mr. James framed it for me, the emotions conjured
up a deep sorrow and regret. I have sorrow and regret that OUR supposed great land which was allegedly built on the premise of
freedom was in actuality, built on a blood stained foundation of non-tolerance,
hatred, and multiple layers of inequality.
Mr. James stated that:
“I am one traffic stop away from death”.
I have white privilege therefore, I don ‘t have to worry
about anything when I get into my car and drive to the store other than a possible
speeding ticket, the car breaking down or becoming involved in a car accident.
I’m definitely not thinking or worrying about a police officer KILLING MY ASS!!
All of you who ignore injustices, brain wash yourselves
into believing that there is nothing that you can do that will make a
difference and to those of you who continue to turn a blind eye to the
historically based oppressive and murderous social conditions built by white
America, you will all eventually come to the realization that you, yes you,
also contribute to this legacy which you are bequeathing to “your” children and
MINE! NO these conditions are not only a result of the actions of the generations before us!!
Screw our ancestors; I’m sick of hearing that lame excuse…
I am talking about YOU & ME!!
You go right ahead and continue talking the rhetoric of how
you are not bias; you do not discriminate against Black Men, Women, and
Children. Please continue to rant about how slavery ended years ago, therefore,
the Black community needs to stop whining, after all they do have Affirmative
Action which by the way, we continue to dismantle and we want to do away with it anyway!!!
Continue to discount the obvious institutional based oppression
and discriminatory practices which continues to fortify the governing
institutions and laws in this country as well as support those who oversee the
distribution of resources and wealth, both domestically and globally!
Continue to believe that all it takes to level the social
and economic playing fields is for the Black community to help themselves by pulling
themselves up by their boot straps and “do
a little hard work”.
Continue to support the violence and murderous treatment of
Black Men and Youth by law enforcement AS
WELL AS the Judicial System's form of continued slavery....
the prison system.
Continue the violence by holding on to the belief that all
it would take to stop this violence from occurring, is for Black Men to obey
the law, this would certainly stop the police from murdering innocent Black Men and
Youth. I mean after all…. “They” must have done something to
provoke this societal madness.
Keep the delusions alive by holding on tightly to the conviction
that in no way are we the white race, the dominate culture and the ultimate
decision makers, responsible for decades of skewed judgments that ultimately built….
“The Child to Adult Prison Pipeline”
- Disproportionate number of Black children enter the Foster care system;
- Disproportionate number of Black children remain longer in the Foster care system
- Disproportionate number of Black children in Foster Care and their families receive fewer services than white families
- Disproportionate number of Black children are labeled as “Special Education” students when many are not
- Disproportionate numbers of Black Youth who are or were in the Foster care system now become a statistic regarding the…
- Increased number of contacts by law enforcement which leads to…
- Disproportionate number of Black youth enters the Juvenile Justice system…
- Disproportionate number of Black youth then transition into the Adult Criminal Justice system
- Disproportionate number of Black Men are incarcerated for non-violent offences
- Disproportionate number of Black Men who are sentenced and sent to jail when they are innocent.
These statistics aren’t enough
for you? They don’t cover multiple areas in society?? I didn’t think so!! Go back and read my blog article
titled “Black America”. There are
enough facts that will either change your mind or continue to harden your heart
and remove what’s left of your soul!!
History demonstrates how white society continues to do
everything in its power to exterminate the Black Man thereby; abolishing the
Black Family unit. Did you ever wonder or care that year after year a small
number of true historical facts in our children's history books continues to be slowly extracted?? Why you ask?? Because part
of the dominate culture wants OUR
children to learn how America was built by reading a book reflecting a
whitewashed story line of “whiteness”. This in turn, strengthens the wealthy elite's stronghold of the wealth and resources domestically and globally.
Human nature
relies on the basic functions relating to self-preservation, self-protection,
and survival. Continue to try and threaten the existence of
a population of human beings and you will be on the receiving end of survival
mode. Remember, survival of the fittest?
I do not condone or support violence towards the
I do support social change…
Since 2010
In Remembrance
March 23, 2015
Africa: Continues to Pay France a Colonial
Global Economic Slavery - Part 1
the past two years I have ponder the question of why the natural resource rich
continent of Africa, continues to be riddled with poverty and conflict. Just
recently I was speaking with a friend and we began discussing this very
topic. But before I begin to examine why, with all of Africa’s natural resources,
this country remains in poverty and war torn, let me first present you with
some interesting facts that I stumbled
across while researching information about Africa’s natural wealth.
you know that today, at this very second, 14 African countries continue to be
forced by France to pay a Colonial Tax for the benefit of their independence in
1958?? Sylvanus Olympio, the first
president of the Republic of Togo, a tiny country in West Africa, found a
middle ground solution with the French.
He didn’t want his country to continue to be a French dominion, and had
visions of a free country therefore he refused to sign the colonization
continuation pact De Gaule proposed, but agree to pay an annual debt to France
for the so called benefits Togo got from French colonization.
The French were also to leave without causing
any destruction however, that was not the case.
Everything from schools, nurseries, public administration buildings were
destroyed; cars, books, medicine, research institute instruments, tractors were
crushed and sabotaged; horses, cows in the farms were killed, and food in
warehouses were burned or poisoned.
January 13, 1963, three days after he started printing his country own
currency, a squad of illiterate soldiers backed by France killed the first
elected president of newly independent Africa. Olympio was killed by an ex
French Foreign Legionnaire army sergeant who supposedly received a bounty of
$612 from the local French embassy. This story continues to repeat itself
throughout several other countries in Africa.
of January 2014, there were 14 African countries that required through a
colonial pact with France, to put 85% of their foreign reserve into France
central bank and under the strict control of the French minister of Finance.
They are putting in 500 Billion dollars every year to the French
treasury!!! 500 Billion!!! In fact
France allows them to access only 15% of the money in any given year. If there
is need for any more, they need to borrow the extra money from their own 65%
from the French Treasury at commercial rates. African leaders who refuse to do
so, are killed or victim of coup. Those who obey are rewarded by France with
lavish lifestyle while their people endure extreme poverty, and desperation.
addition the colonial pact also includes the following:
Right of first refusal on any raw or natural resource discovered in the
country. France has the first right to buy any natural resources found in the
land of its ex-colonies. It’s only after France would say, “I’m not
interested”, that the African countries are allowed to seek other partners.
• Priority to French interests and companies in
public procurement and public biding. In the award of government contracts,
French companies must be considered first, and only after that these countries
could look elsewhere. It doesn’t matter if the African countries can obtain
better value for money elsewhere.
• Exclusive right to supply military equipment
and train the country military officers. Through a sophisticated scheme of
scholarships, grants, and “Defense Agreements” attached to the Colonial Pact,
the Africans should send their senior military officers for training in France
or French ran-training facilities. The situation on the continent now is that France
has trained hundreds, even thousands of traitors and nourishes them. They are
dormant when they are not needed, and activated when needed for a coup or any
other purpose!
• Right for France to pre-deploy troops
and intervene military in the country to
defend its interests. Under something called “Defense Agreements” attached to
the Colonial Pact, France had the legal right to intervene militarily in the
African countries, and also to station troops permanently in bases and military
facilities in those countries, run entirely by the French.
French Military Bases in Africa
• Obligation to make French the official language of the country and the language for education. A French language and culture dissemination organization has been created called “Francophonie” with several satellites and affiliates organizations supervised by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs. Obligation to use France colonial money FCFA
That’s the real milk cow for France, but it’s such an evil system even denounced by the European Union, but France is not ready to move from that colonial system which puts about 500 billion dollars from Africa to its treasury.
• Obligation to send France annual balance and reserve report. Without the report, no money.
Anyway the secretary of the Central banks of the ex-colonies and the secretary of the bi-annual meeting of the Ministers of Finance of the ex-colonies is carried out by France Central bank / Treasury.
• Renunciation to enter into military alliance with any other country unless authorized by France.
African countries in general are the ones with will less regional military alliances. Most of the countries have only military alliances with their ex-colonizers!. In the case France ex-colonies, France forbids them to seek other military alliance except the one it offered them.
• Obligation to ally with France in situation of war or global crisis
Over one million Africans soldiers fought for the defeat of Nazism and fascism during the Second World War. Their contribution is often ignored or minimized, but when you think that it took only 6 weeks for Germany to defeat France in 1940, France knows that Africans could be useful for fighting for la “Grandeur de la France” in the future.
The article illustrates just one of many factors which continue to chain the countries of Africa to the white and European slave owners of the 21st Century. What does one say to all of this?? This angry white woman could rant and rave and rant some more, insult those I feel are the perpetrators of all this abuse and murder …maybe even throw in a few vile cuss words!! But I am so astounded and almost in shock, that everywhere I turn, I seem to find another set of chains and shackles which continues to enslave the African and Black Americans, that I am totally dumbfounded!
I wanted to post this ASAP but by the same token, I need a minute to process and put the facts into the proper perspective and context, in order to respond appropriately. So I will provide a response when I post Part 2 - “Africa’s Natural Resources”.
In the same way that I have attempted to process the American plan to destroy the Black community, is the same way in which I have to attempt to look at Africa’s story. I had to sit and reflect on the enormity of a history which progresses into a longstanding current event! The very thought of the level of desperation and pure agony for which I have absolutely NO CLUE as to its level, extent, variety and depth of misery, torment, hopelessness and sorrow of the African people, made my eyes fill up.
But this is NOT about me and how the nightmare affects my core. It is about humanity and the price of evil verses goodness. The very thought that the people who happen to have a dark skin color and a variety of unique features as each one of us all have, continue to endure and suffer such vile acts of racial hatred, oppression, despicable murderous acts, leads me to one and only one conclusion. No matter what the end result may be, my bet is on the fact that the following is an undeniable truth:
I have concluded, embrace and find some level of comfort knowing, that the worldwide Black race, are truly....
Gods Only Chosen People!
Excerpts from Mawuna Remarque KOUTONIN Mawuna Koutonin is a
world peace activist who relentlessly works to empower people to express their
full potential and pursue their dreams, regardless of their background. He is
the Editior of SiliconAfrica.com, Founder of Goodbuzz.net, and Social activist
for Africa Renaissance. Koutonin’s ultimate dream is to open a world-class
human potential development school in Africa in 2017.
March 17th, 2015
It has been almost two years ago, when hundreds of pages of racist text messages between Coatesville's superintendent and the athletic director came to light ultimately forcing them to resign WITH THEIR PENSIONS!!The Racist x-superintendent who traded his white sheet and hood for a business suit, will now go to trial for the money that he stole from the children and families of the Coatesville School District. He faces dozens of felony counts of theft, conflict of interest, ethics code violations, and other related offenses.
While I think the "White Collar" crme he committed needs to be criminally prosecuted, let us NOT forget what led to this investigation. The criminal prosecution of these crimes by no means erases the pain he has caused by his racist text messages which described innocent children in vile hateful ways!! I'll carry another sign anytime anywhere to get rid of the filth....and so should YOU!
I find it despicable that this racist tyrant, isn't being prosecuted for hate crimes. Okkk his racist text messages using tax payers phone equipment, does not rise to the level which defines "hate crimes" under the law. The law in short, states that the use of any weapon in an "....attempt to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person is termed a hate crime".
Well the hate crimes of this generation have been redesigned to be covertly done as I illustrated in past posts. Everyone should sit and reflect on the state of affairs that this country is currently operating on. To my mind, we as a nation need to start developing new strategies in which to combat, yes combat this blatant disregard for our communities, children and families!
White people wake up!
Get a F'in clue folks!!!
Secondly, if OUR people in OUR country are divided, the security of our land is placed in a vulnerable position for outsiders to reek havoc.
Just sayin'!!
December 16th, 2014
This article first appeared on What Matters with Janee Woods
As we all know by now, Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was gunned down by the police while walking to his grandmother’s house in the middle of the afternoon. For the past few days my Facebook news feed has been full of stories about the incidents unfolding in Ferguson, Missouri.
But then I realized something....
For the first couple of days, almost all of the status updates expressing anger and grief about yet another extrajudicial killing of an unarmed black boy, the news articles about the militarized police altercations with community members and the horrifying pictures of his dead body on the city concrete were posted by people of color. Outpourings of rage and demands for justice were voiced by black people, Latinos, Asian Americans, Arab American Muslims. But posts by white people were few at first and those that I saw were posted mostly by my white activist or academic friends who are committed to putting themselves on the front lines of any conversation about racial or economic injustice in America. And almost nothing, silence practically, from the majority of my non activist, nonacademic white friends—those same people who gleefully jumped on the bandwagon to dump buckets of ice over their heads to raise money for ALS and who wrote heartfelt messages about reaching out to loved ones suffering from depression following the suicide of Robin Williams, may he rest in peace. But an unarmed black teenager walking down the street in broad daylight gets harassed and murdered by a white police officer and those same people seem to have nothing urgent to say about pervasive, systemic, deadly racism in America?
Black people are dying and it’s not your personal fault that black people are dying because you’re white but if you don’t make a purposeful choice to become a white ally and actively work to dismantle the racist system running America for the benefit of white people then it becomes your shame because you are white and black lives matter. And if you live your whole life and then die without making a purposeful choice to become a white ally then American racism becomes your legacy.
12 Things White People Can Do
Now Because of Ferguson
This article first appeared on What Matters with Janee Woods
As we all know by now, Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was gunned down by the police while walking to his grandmother’s house in the middle of the afternoon. For the past few days my Facebook news feed has been full of stories about the incidents unfolding in Ferguson, Missouri.
But then I realized something....
For the first couple of days, almost all of the status updates expressing anger and grief about yet another extrajudicial killing of an unarmed black boy, the news articles about the militarized police altercations with community members and the horrifying pictures of his dead body on the city concrete were posted by people of color. Outpourings of rage and demands for justice were voiced by black people, Latinos, Asian Americans, Arab American Muslims. But posts by white people were few at first and those that I saw were posted mostly by my white activist or academic friends who are committed to putting themselves on the front lines of any conversation about racial or economic injustice in America. And almost nothing, silence practically, from the majority of my non activist, nonacademic white friends—those same people who gleefully jumped on the bandwagon to dump buckets of ice over their heads to raise money for ALS and who wrote heartfelt messages about reaching out to loved ones suffering from depression following the suicide of Robin Williams, may he rest in peace. But an unarmed black teenager walking down the street in broad daylight gets harassed and murdered by a white police officer and those same people seem to have nothing urgent to say about pervasive, systemic, deadly racism in America?
White people who are sick and tired of racism should work hard to become white allies. In the aftermath of the murder of Michael Brown, may he rest in power, here are some ways for white people to become white allies who are engaged thoughtfully and critically in examining the situation in Ferguson and standing on the side of justice and equity. This list is a good place to start your fight to dismantle racial inequity and shine a light on the oppressive structures that lead to yet another extrajudicial killing of a black person.
1. Learn about the
racialized history of Ferguson and how it reflects the racialized history of
America. Michael Brown’s murder is not a social
anomaly or statistical outlier. It is the direct product of deadly tensions
born from decades of housing discrimination, white flight, intergenerational
poverty and racial profiling. The militarized police response to peaceful
assembly by the people mirrors what happened in the 1960s during the Civil
Rights Movement.
2. Reject the “He
Was a Good Kid” narrative and lift up the “Black Lives Matter” narrative.
Michael Brown was a good kid,
by accounts of those who knew him
during his short life. But that’s not why his death is tragic. His death isn’t
tragic because he was a sweet kid on his way to college next week. His death is
tragic because he was a human being and his life mattered. The Good Kid
narrative might provoke some sympathy but what it really does is support the
lie that as a rule black people, black men in particular, have a norm of
violence or criminal behavior. The Good Kid narrative says that this kid didn’t
deserve to die because his goodness was the exception to the rule. This is
wrong. This kid didn’t deserve to die because he was a human being and black
lives matter.
3. Use words that speak the truth
about the disempowerment, oppression, disinvestment and racism that are rampant
in our communities. Be mindful, political and socially
aware with your language. Notice how the mainstream news outlets are using
words like riot and looting to describe the uprising in Ferguson. What’s happening is not a riot. The people
are protesting and engaging in a justified rebellion. They have a righteous
anger and are revolting against the police who have terrorized them for years.
4. Understand the
modern forms of race oppression and slavery and how they are intertwined with
policing, the courts and the prison industrial complex. We don’t enslave black people on the
plantation cotton fields anymore. Now we lock them up in for profit prisons at
disproportionate rates and for longer sentences for the same crimes than white
people. And when they are released, they are second class citizens stripped of
voting rights and denied access to housing, employment and education. Mass incarceration is The New Jim Crow .
5. Examine the
interplay between poverty and racial equity.
The twin pillar of racism is economic injustice but do not use class issues to
trump race issues and avoid the racism conversation. While racism and class
oppression are tangled together in this country, the fact remains that the
number one predictor of prosperity and access to opportunity is race.
6. Diversify your
media. Be intentional
about looking for and paying close attention to diverse voices of color on the
TV, on the internet and on the radio to help shape your awareness,
understanding and thinking about political, economic and social issues. Check
out Colorlines, The Root or This Week in Blackness to get started.
7. Adhere to the
philosophy of nonviolence as you resist racism and oppression.
Dr. Martin Luther King advocated
for nonviolent conflict reconciliation as the primary strategy of the Civil
Rights Movement and the charge of His Final Marching Orders . East Point Peace Academy offers online
resources and in person training on nonviolence that is accessible to all
people regardless of ability to pay.
8. Find support from fellow white
allies. Challenge and encourage each other to dig deeper,
even when it hurts and especially when you feel confused and angry and sad and
hopeless, so that you can be more authentic in your shared journey with people
of color to uphold and protect principles of anti-racism and equity in our
society. Go to workshops like Training
for Change’s Whites Confronting Racism or European Dissent by The People’s
Institute. Attend The White Privilege
Conference or the Facing Race conference.
Some organizations offer scholarships or reduced fees to help people attend if
funding is an issue.
9. If you are a
person of faith, look to your scriptures or holy texts for guidance. Seek out
faith based organizations like Sojourners and follow faith leaders that incorporate
social justice into their ministry. Ask your clergy person to address anti-racism
in their sermons and teachings. If you are not a person of faith, learn how the
world’s religions view social justice issues so that when you have opportunity
to invite people of faith to also become white allies, you can talk with them
meaningfully about why being a white ally is supported by their spiritual
10. Don’t be afraid
to be unpopular.
Let’s be realistic. If you start
calling out all the racism you witness (and it will be a lot once you know what
you’re looking at) some people might not want to hang out with you as much.
That’s a risk you’ll need to accept. But think about it like this: staying
silent when you witness oppression is the same as supporting oppression. So you
can be the popular person who stands with the oppressor or you can be the
(maybe) unpopular person who stands for equality and dignity for all people.
Which person would you prefer to be? And honestly, if some people don’t want to
hang out with you anymore once you show yourself as a white ally then why would
you even want to be friends with them anyway? They’re probably racists.
11. Be proactive in your own community. As a white ally, you are not limited
to being reactionary and only rising up to stand on the side of justice when
black people are being subjected to violence very visibly and publicly. Moments
of crisis do not need to be the catalyst because taking action against systemic
racism is always appropriate because systemic racism permeates nearly every
institution and community in this country. Some ideas for action: organize a
community conversation about the state of police-community relations in your
neighborhood, support leaders of color by donating your time or money to their
campaigns or causes, ask the local library to host a showing and discussion
group about the documentary RACE: The Power of an Illusion, attend workshops to
learn how to transform conflict into opportunity for dialogue. Gather together
diverse white allies that represent the diversity of backgrounds in your
community. Antiracism is not a liberals only cause. Antiracism is a movement
for all people, whether they be conservative, progressive, rich, poor, urban or
12. Don’t give up. We’re
400 years into this racist system and it’s going to take a long, long, long
time to dismantle these atrocities. The antiracism movement is a struggle for
generations, not simply the hot button issue of the moment. Transformation of a
broken system doesn’t happen quickly or easily. You may not see or feel the
positive impact of your white allyship in the next month, the next year, the
next decade or even your lifetime. But don’t ever stop. Being a white ally
matters because your thoughts, deeds
This is a list of just 12 ways to be an ally. There are many more ways and I invite you to consider what else you can do to become a strong and loyal white ally. People of color, black people especially, cannot and should not shoulder the burden for dismantling the racist, white supremacist system that devalues and criminalizes black life without the all in support, blood, sweat and tears of white people. If you are not already a white ally, now is the time to become one.
People are literally dying.
Black people are dying and it’s not your personal fault that black people are dying because you’re white but if you don’t make a purposeful choice to become a white ally and actively work to dismantle the racist system running America for the benefit of white people then it becomes your shame because you are white and black lives matter. And if you live your whole life and then die without making a purposeful choice to become a white ally then American racism becomes your legacy.
The choice is yours.
Source URL: http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/12-t.
November 26, 2014
I have been reading and listening to numerous opinionated commentaries,
rumors and out right untruths about the events surrounding the murder of
Michael, the grand Jury proceedings and the ultimate decision not to indite. The
bottom line always returns to the core of the issue.
We as white people
MUST educate ourselves to our country’s true history, if not, we do not have
the right to make uneducated comments about the murder of Michael Brown. Like it or not, the history of the Black
community in America is unique and unlike
and other minority group other than the Native
First Americans, because of the hundreds
of years of salary, vile torturous, murders, oppression and the continued contemporary
racism etc. etc. etc. The residual effect of this history, is the cement blocks
which built and fortifies our white dominant legal, social, political, and
global economic systems and safe guards this nations resources. They are the white
dominant decision makers who decide how these resources will be distributed and
by what rules of govern. As a white person I can go anywhere without needing to
think about what situation I might be walking into etc.
Case in point, on my way to the
Justice Center for a work related court hearing, I took the alley way and coming towards me was a black man approximately
6’ 3”, sunglasses, and dressed casual. As I walked by I looked directly at him and
gave him the warmest hello, and said it’s a great day. He reciprocated however,
he was noticeably stunned. Why do you think that is? What was he thinking? If
that were a white man I guarantee you, that a white man would not be thinking the
same thoughts of maintaining his guard!!
White privilege is what America and the US Constitution was
founded on and continues to be the cement which fortifies every state, institution
and the laws of order. I don't care who you are including myself, if your skin is white,
you have and live your life drenched in white privilege. I wake up every day with
white privilege and like the American Express Card, I not only don’t leave home
without it, I can’t leave home without it.
October 20th, 2014
A Softer Gentler Approach Once Again!
Ok folks I am going to try again to use a softer approach in getting the message across about the state of affairs in our country regarding racial issues. I am human and there are times it becomes so very frustrating that folks will not even be open minded enough to look at the issues on their own. For me it was so very plain to see, once I really examined the issues. Also, when I had questions about race and went to my Black associates, I had to learn that when they attempted to give me an answer based on their lived experiences, that I needed to NOT say BUT and learn to SHUT - UP and truly LISTEN to what they were so kind to share with me. Then and only then, did the pieces begin to fit. And now when I go out into the community, I see those small injustices for myself on a daily basis! I could never live day in and day out, living in a society that does not value your race!
An Example of What a Bisis is:
are given a choice to eat dinner at the
neighborhood Steak House or Seafood House and you choose the Steak House because
you knew they had great food. Another person tried to convince you that the
Seafood House also had great food but you refused to even consider eating at
the Seafood house because you never ate there so you base your decision on what you know without having an open mind to try something different.
doesn’t mean you are a bad person or you
hate seafood. It simply means that based on never experiencing the Seafood
House and based on your past experiences with the Steak House, you are you have a bias towards the Steak House.
So why not keep an open
mind and try the Seafood House in order to experience both?
October 7th, 2014
· An
underlying belief in the superiority of one race over another and its right to
· Generalizing one group of people by believing in simplistic stereotypes of that group.
· Affects every aspect of the lives of communities of color: social, economic, political, health, etc.
· May take three main forms (though all work together to maintain a system of oppression).
· Individual Racism-individual acts that overtly reflect racist attitudes/beliefs. This is the easiest one to identify. I.e. racial slurs, jokes, etc.
· Systemic Racism and Institutional Racism-organizational policies and practices at the structural level that indirectly target communities of color and maintain white privilege. I.e. racism in the criminal justice system (police profiling); racism in the educational system (all white authors on a course reading list.)
· Cultural Racism-value system that supports and allows discriminatory actions against racially and ethno culturally marginalized communities. I.e. white privilege.
Editor Says
This Cartoon Was Not
To Be Racist
The Nation continues to watch and wait for
the grand jury to make a decision in the beginning of the year 2015 on whether
or not the person (I won’t dignify this
killer by stating his name) who shot and killed unarmed Michael Brown will
be criminally charged. Michael Brown was a teenager who was scheduled to begin
his freshmen year in college, the teen who has been unjustifiably labeled a
gang member and a thug…Wow I think I just wrote a blog entry not too long ago about
a young football player who was also unjustifiably labeled a gang member and a
thug. Hmmm, is this the behavioral pattern of scared white men in authority???
With the continued justified unrest
surrounding the killing of unarmed Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri, I
decided to search the internet for any updates regarding this racist cartoon (above)
drawn by Gary McCoy and published in the Columbia Daily Tribune. I must have been
operating on the notion that professional journalist and nationally known
newspaper editors would weigh in on the negative impact of the media on the
issues of racism in America today. To date, I cannot find one published opinion
or editorial column from any of the highly publicized Newspapers, the heavy
hitters such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, and the like
exploring. Where’s the conversation, where’s the dialog on racism in America
today which we keep saying needs to occur??
Ohhhh, I get it, not only is it a “ Good Ole’ Boys
Club”, I completely forgot, it is a “Good Ole’ White Privileged Boys Club”! Please
forgive this white woman’s nativity. I forgot that this “club” if you will, is still
closed to Black Men … this explains the high level of stupidity and club
mentality!!! I then read an article on another blog detailing that Robertson so
eloquently stated that he would have axed the cartoon if he had insight that
the cartoon would have caused such an uproar! Oh really??!!
Mr. Robertson was also quoted as saying:
though I don't necessarily agree that it had no value, it's not worth the
trouble it has caused," he says. "There is no journalistic principle
involved here. You'd rather not piss people off."
Since when do racist messages
have value??
have value??
To my mind, a newspaper editor has the
responsibility to report the news, fact finding news not to spew biases,
stereotypic characterization of OUR Black community who did more than just help to build this country…but rather
the thread that keeps our US flag from fraying. The idea that the editor had
the pure audacity to state the Ferguson cartoon was not intended to be
racist….Lol! Are you serious or like another pompous rich white man, did you
eat too many of your Glaucoma brownies??
Please do enlighten this white person and tell me then, what was the
intent? I would bet my paycheck that if the tables were turned and a white teen
from a wealthy community was murdered, and the editor allowed the publication
of a cartoon depicting this teen with a silver spoon in his mouth and who was
asking to be murdered, the out cry for justice would resonate throughout this
Mr. Robertson please try and educate yourself
on the true definition of racism. Once
educated then maybe you will speak with a tad more intelligence rather than
compare this racist cartoon with that of George Bush! Depicting George Bush with Dumbo ears is not
a disparaging stereotype of a racial group but rather a derogatory slight of
one person‘s intelligence.
· Generalizing one group of people by believing in simplistic stereotypes of that group.
· Affects every aspect of the lives of communities of color: social, economic, political, health, etc.
· May take three main forms (though all work together to maintain a system of oppression).
· Individual Racism-individual acts that overtly reflect racist attitudes/beliefs. This is the easiest one to identify. I.e. racial slurs, jokes, etc.
· Systemic Racism and Institutional Racism-organizational policies and practices at the structural level that indirectly target communities of color and maintain white privilege. I.e. racism in the criminal justice system (police profiling); racism in the educational system (all white authors on a course reading list.)
· Cultural Racism-value system that supports and allows discriminatory actions against racially and ethno culturally marginalized communities. I.e. white privilege.
By: Anti-Racism Media Education (ARMEd)
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