About the Author

The author is a white Anti-Racist, Social Justice Advocate. She seeks knowledge and truths surrounding the interconnections of the historical and contemporary issues of racism across the globe.

With knowledge and truth comes responsibility. As a woman who is part of the dominate white culture and a citizen of the world, there is a responsibility to share information that will

lead to a more culturally humble society.

The author at times reacts in an emotionally charged manner but does so with a

good heart and from a good place.

The author is of the belief that there is only one race label and that is the Human Race.

March 23, 2015

Africa: Continues to Pay France a Colonial Tax
Global Economic Slavery - Part 1

For the past two years I have ponder the question of why the natural resource rich continent of Africa, continues to be riddled with poverty and conflict. Just recently I was speaking with a friend and we began discussing this very topic. But before I begin to examine why, with all of Africa’s natural resources, this country remains in poverty and war torn, let me first present you with some interesting  facts that I stumbled across while researching information about Africa’s natural wealth.

Did you know that today, at this very second, 14 African countries continue to be forced by France to pay a Colonial Tax for the benefit of their independence in 1958??   Sylvanus Olympio, the first president of the Republic of Togo, a tiny country in West Africa, found a middle ground solution with the French.  He didn’t want his country to continue to be a French dominion, and had visions of a free country therefore he refused to sign the colonization continuation pact De Gaule proposed, but agree to pay an annual debt to France for the so called benefits Togo got from French colonization.  

The French were also to leave without causing any destruction however, that was not the case.  Everything from schools, nurseries, public administration buildings were destroyed; cars, books, medicine, research institute instruments, tractors were crushed and sabotaged; horses, cows in the farms were killed, and food in warehouses were burned or poisoned.

On January 13, 1963, three days after he started printing his country own currency, a squad of illiterate soldiers backed by France killed the first elected president of newly independent Africa. Olympio was killed by an ex French Foreign Legionnaire army sergeant who supposedly received a bounty of $612 from the local French embassy. This story continues to repeat itself throughout several other countries in Africa.

As of January 2014, there were 14 African countries that required through a colonial pact with France, to put 85% of their foreign reserve into France central bank and under the strict control of the French minister of Finance. They are putting in 500 Billion dollars every year to the French treasury!!!  500 Billion!!! In fact France allows them to access only 15% of the money in any given year. If there is need for any more, they need to borrow the extra money from their own 65% from the French Treasury at commercial rates. African leaders who refuse to do so, are killed or victim of coup. Those who obey are rewarded by France with lavish lifestyle while their people endure extreme poverty, and desperation.
In addition the colonial pact also includes the following:

• Right of first refusal on any raw or natural resource discovered in the country. France has the first right to buy any natural resources found in the land of its ex-colonies. It’s only after France would say, “I’m not interested”, that the African countries are allowed to seek other partners.

•  Priority to French interests and companies in public procurement and public biding. In the award of government contracts, French companies must be considered first, and only after that these countries could look elsewhere. It doesn’t matter if the African countries can obtain better value for money elsewhere.

•   Exclusive right to supply military equipment and train the country military officers. Through a sophisticated scheme of scholarships, grants, and “Defense Agreements” attached to the Colonial Pact, the Africans should send their senior military officers for training in France or French ran-training facilities. The situation on the continent now is that France has trained hundreds, even thousands of traitors and nourishes them. They are dormant when they are not needed, and activated when needed for a coup or any other purpose!

•  Right for France to pre-deploy troops and  intervene military in the country to defend its interests. Under something called “Defense Agreements” attached to the Colonial Pact, France had the legal right to intervene militarily in the African countries, and also to station troops permanently in bases and military facilities in those countries, run entirely by the French.

                                French Military Bases in Africa

 Obligation to make French the official language of the country and the language for education. A French language and culture dissemination organization has been created called “Francophonie” with several satellites and affiliates organizations supervised by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs.  Obligation to use France colonial money FCFA

That’s the real milk cow for France, but it’s such an evil system even denounced by the European Union, but France is not ready to move from that colonial system which puts about 500 billion dollars from Africa to its treasury. 

• Obligation to send France annual balance and reserve report. Without the report, no money.
Anyway the secretary of the Central banks of the ex-colonies and the secretary of the bi-annual meeting of the Ministers of Finance of the ex-colonies is carried out by France Central bank / Treasury.

• Renunciation to enter into military alliance with any other country unless authorized by France.
African countries in general are the ones with will less regional military alliances. Most of the countries have only military alliances with their ex-colonizers!. In the case France ex-colonies, France forbids them to seek other military alliance except the one it offered them.

• Obligation to ally with France in situation of war or global crisis
Over one million Africans soldiers fought for the defeat of Nazism and fascism during the Second World  War. Their contribution is often ignored  or minimized, but when you think that it  took only 6 weeks for Germany to defeat France in 1940, France knows that Africans could be useful for fighting for la “Grandeur de la France” in the future.

 The article illustrates just one of many factors which continue to chain the countries of Africa to the white and European slave owners of the 21st Century. What does one say to all of this?? This angry white woman could rant and rave and rant some more, insult those I feel are the perpetrators of all this abuse and murder …maybe even throw in a few vile cuss words!! But I am so astounded and almost in shock, that everywhere I turn, I seem to find another set of chains and shackles which continues to enslave the African and Black Americans, that I am totally dumbfounded! 

I wanted to post this ASAP but by the same token, I need a minute to process and put the facts into the proper perspective and context, in order to respond appropriately. So I will provide a response when I post Part 2 - “Africa’s Natural Resources”.

 In the same way that I have  attempted to process the American plan to destroy the Black community, is the same way in which I have to attempt to look at Africa’s story.  I had to sit and reflect on the enormity of a history which progresses into a longstanding current event!  The very thought of the level of desperation and pure agony for which I have absolutely NO CLUE as to its level, extent, variety and depth of misery, torment, hopelessness and sorrow of the African people, made my eyes fill up.

But this is NOT about me and how the nightmare affects my core. It is about humanity and the price of evil verses goodness. The very thought that the people who happen to have a dark skin color and a variety of unique features as each one of us all have,  continue to endure and suffer such vile acts of racial hatred, oppression, despicable murderous acts, leads me to one and only one conclusion. No matter what the end result may be, my bet is on the fact that the following is an undeniable truth: 

I have concluded, embrace  and find some level of comfort knowing, that the worldwide Black race, are  truly....
Gods Only Chosen People! 

Excerpts from  Mawuna Remarque KOUTONIN Mawuna Koutonin is a world peace activist who relentlessly works to empower people to express their full potential and pursue their dreams, regardless of their background. He is the Editior of SiliconAfrica.com, Founder of Goodbuzz.net, and Social activist for Africa Renaissance. Koutonin’s ultimate dream is to open a world-class human potential development school in Africa in 2017.

The music video "Take a Stand  Against Racism" will be updated in the next several months to include the innocent lives that were murdered in the past year or more.

March 17th, 2015


It has been almost two years ago, when hundreds of pages of racist  text  messages between Coatesville's superintendent and the athletic director came to light ultimately  forcing them to resign WITH THEIR PENSIONS!!The Racist x-superintendent who traded his white sheet and hood for a business suit, will now go to trial for the money that he stole from the children and families of the Coatesville School District. He faces dozens of felony counts of theft, conflict of interest, ethics code violations, and other related offenses. 

While I think the "White Collar" crme he committed needs to be criminally prosecuted, let us NOT forget what led to this investigation. The criminal prosecution of these crimes by no means erases the pain he has caused by his racist text messages which described innocent children in vile hateful ways!! I'll carry another sign anytime anywhere to get rid of the filth....and so should YOU!

I find it despicable that this racist tyrant, isn't being prosecuted for hate crimes. Okkk his racist text messages using tax payers phone equipment, does not rise to the level which defines "hate crimes" under the law. The law  in short, states that the use of any weapon in an "....attempt to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person is termed a hate crime". 

Well the hate crimes of this generation have been redesigned to be covertly done as I illustrated in past posts. Everyone should sit and reflect on the state of affairs that this country is currently operating on. To my mind, we as a nation need to start developing new strategies in which to combat, yes combat this blatant disregard for our communities, children and families!

White people wake up!

Get a F'in clue folks!!! 

Secondly, if OUR people in OUR country are divided, the security of our land is placed in a vulnerable position for outsiders to  reek havoc. 

Just sayin'!!