About the Author

The author is a white Anti-Racist, Social Justice Advocate. She seeks knowledge and truths surrounding the interconnections of the historical and contemporary issues of racism across the globe.

With knowledge and truth comes responsibility. As a woman who is part of the dominate white culture and a citizen of the world, there is a responsibility to share information that will

lead to a more culturally humble society.

The author at times reacts in an emotionally charged manner but does so with a

good heart and from a good place.

The author is of the belief that there is only one race label and that is the Human Race.

September 25, 2013

Part 2

CASD School Board Meeting         


I had decided that I would be in attendance at the Coatesville School Districts school board meeting Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. in the 9/10 Center auditorium on the high school campus. The Coatesville area was not only a home to me in the past, but several associates and good friends currently live in Coatesville. I made sure that no one knew that I would be attending the meeting because this was not my intent and would take away from the purpose.

The first issue was the decision not to move the meeting to one of the many other district buildings on site that could hold additional Coatesville parents and residents. The school board members and administrators declined the earlier request made which appears to communicate a continuation of white dominate control over the masses! 

 When I arrived wearing my double sided sign, there were two other white women with children caring signs. During our conversation they stated that they were there to support the teachers. It became abundantly clear rather quickly, that the real issues were not being acknowledged and the needed support from the white community  was not being provided. 

The eyes of the children who were accompanying their parents appeared to be wounded and filled with confusion. Those arriving who appeared to be of the Baby Boomer generation, read my sign and gave a gentle nod of their acknowledgement and approval. It appeared that a large majority of the Baby Boomer generation, displayed similar facial expressions. After a further conversation with my AA/Black associates, validation was provided that what I was witnessing was a sense of sadness yet a semblance of toleration as if this incident was nothing more than a reoccurring echo of the past, a reality of the present, a way of life as only experienced and known by the AA/Black community.

I was asked by the two white women I first encountered, if I wanted to save a seat in the auditorium. Due to the limited seating, I decline based on the belief that those who were directly impacted by these vile texts, should be seen and heard by the school board members that were voted in by the AA/Black Coatesville parents/citizens. 

As I was standing and chatting  with an African American mother, parents and citizens continued to arrive however, they could not enter the building but rather stood by and with the back door open in an attempt to hear the proceedings. It is this picture that is etched in my mind and I  cannot erase the feelings this evoked within me. You ask why, I will tell you my opinion. 

Ever single white parent and citizen should have stood outside by the front and back doors in solidarity to support the African American/Black community. In turn, the AA/Black individuals standing by the back door, should have been the individuals seated in the auditorium. 

I am not discounting the probability that the white people inside did not have good intentions on a conscious level however, to my mind, these "good intentions" are not good enough anymore!! This is just another prime example of white privilege/entitlement at work. 

White privilege is what America and the US Constitution was founded on and continues to be the cement which fortifies every state and institution. I don't care who you are including myself, if your skin is white, you have and live your life drenched in white privilege. 

Last but certainly not least...yessss I realize that the white parents seated in the auditorium are citizens and tax payers too and they also have a right to be heard however, that was not and is not the issue at hand and I will not belabor the subject any further in this post...so if you are not in agreement, stop trying to justify your position!

It is what it is...end of story my white privileged friends!

September 22, 2013

Part 1

Daily Local News:

CASD in crisis after racially-charged text messages surface

I understand that Redemption is necessary, however, part of the change process as well as mourning the loss  of more children who have had their innocence stolen once again, is anger. My heart is heavy for the children and families who have been injured by these animals...so please bear with me through this process

Let me say that the Black community possess such steadfast patience and  grace and by no means am I attempting to inflame conflict within your community. What my goal is, is to provoke white people to "man-up" and  address these issues head on!

One of the newspaper  responses that I posted is as follows:

First let me clarify, I am white as white can be. Attention all Coateville Pa. school officials who were part of or justified the actions of Como & Danto...your hateful, racist ignorance, (which by the way ignorance means uneducated if you did not already know), and deplorable conduct is unconscionable to say the very least!! It is so very obvious that your level of general intelligence, cognitive thought processing, and your ability to acquire and apply knowledge has not yet evolved in your lineage for the last thousand years!

There is no doubt that all of the arrogant, hateful, white racist people (you are no professional) need to be more than just re-educated because it is also obvious, that the neocortex of your brain has yet to develop therefore, it will take harsher consequences for the mere idea of your hatefulness to penetrate any part of your unevolved brain, and definitely not your heart or soul because you possess neither one!

The character assignation that all of you perpetrated against the African American/Black community and against our African American/Black children was not simply through text messages or a one-time event, this is how you live your life and respond either overtly or covertly to any person of color. Your hatefulness has done more than just injured the African American/Black children and youth in the Coatesville community but has impacted this nation. 

This act is piled onto all of the other hateful, murderous, vile and inhumane acts that have been committed throughout history against the African American/Black community. 

Ohhhh but wait...I keep forgetting, you keep telling me that racism happened hundreds of years ago and that “they” should just get over it, OH WELL STUPID ME what the hell was I thinking!!??#@$%...NOT!

I'll take a guess and say that more than 1/2 of the white people in this country are pathetic and I am ashamed that you have the same color skin as I do! For example, read the Washington Post or the New York Times on-line opinion posts when there is a controversial racial article, then folks will see how this country operates!

You are teaching and raising another generation of white racist hate mongers! I respect educators but not those whose moral self- righteousness and indignation fertilizes the soil with poison. I have seen this first hand in the smallest of ways, how you react to a child of color as oppose to a white child and Nooo it is not my imagination. News Flash, my brain did evolve! 

Anyone who justifies this behavior with the old constitutional right bullshit, you can join these idiots and Get out of Chester County and Head Straight to Hell…do not pass "Go" because if you do, you will meet up with all of the white people who are against you, because we will be standing there waiting!

Tim Wise on CNN with Don Lemon 
"The 5 things white people should 
do to improve race relations" (video clip)